I think more its meaning would be shit that goes on behind the scenes where the public cannot see. Aka… things immune to FOIA requests.
I think more its meaning would be shit that goes on behind the scenes where the public cannot see. Aka… things immune to FOIA requests.
yeah the article is about companies literally not offering to train people and how skill gaps exist we aren’t filling because companies expect people to come in already knowing stuff and they basically only hire college grads for entry level answer phone bullshit and expect them to experiment on their own and learn their own shit if they want a real job.
I agree in general an AA is general knowledge and critical thinking, a BS should give you specific knowledge to your job, while maybe not exactly what you need to do, at least enough to enter and be able to figure out most things.
The problem with tech is A: how fast it evolves makes it hard to just teach old stuff and say yeah it just works the same because it very often is a completely different solution. And B: science has been around for ages so labs that can teach general skills actually necessary have been developed and businesses that deal with science understand you need to train employees on protocols and how to use your Lims system or whatever. Tech industry is just wild where people who don’t understand it also run it and thus assume everyone who knows it can do whatever because it’s all the same.
That’s the biggest problem with learning tech from a college: developing, vetting, publishing, and adopting curriculum all take a good chunk of time. More time than it takes for new tech to arise.
It’s not hard to see going to trainings/expos/etc. on new/current/upcoming tech while working at a business is going to be a lot more useful than learning 5-20 year old tech in college.
Now, I’m mostly just assuming things as I did not go to college for tech, but I work in education so I know how things typically go.
What you mean with things that advance continually but also every business uses a different solution you can’t expect someone who have a perfect understanding of 6976 different possible solutions used coming out of college? What are we even teaching these kids if not every possible current and legacy software of any possible IT application and the differences between each version of each. Geez.
No. The party not being sold should be able to void the contract if they want at that time. It should not automatically be voided. I could just make contracts saying I’ll pay you 1 trillion over 5 years, get whatever from you, then sell my company to void it so I don’t have to pay, uphold my end, or etc.
Thanks for the recommendation!
Their tuta email already is post quantum so it’s not that they can’t do the security part. Idk honestly, it’s probably just the logistics of getting a lot more servers if they’re trying to make a secure cloud. I just know they posted they’ll be developing that in the future 2 years ago, now would be a great time for it to release as an alternative.
1gb or 5gb for $5 a month is kinda rough tho, as a heads up to anyone looking, it is there more as a means to encrypted collaboration, not large storage and sharing of files.
Thanks. Made the swap to Tuta as it’s the only thing I haven’t moved away from Google yet. See Tuta mention 2 years ago they’re making a drive alternative but… that’s still not a thing. Kinda sad would definitely like that.
Tuta is supposed to be developing one that’s using their post-quantum encryption but it’s been 2 years so, womp.
Sure just kill 12 specific kids across the entire US in the name of “being fair”. Fuck those 12 kids. How DARE they exist.
I would assume they have an MD which is technically what makes them a doctor and not the actual medical license?
Another 4 years of “very funny article, onio….oh… it’s… real… goddamnit.”
Uhg I wrote a post and got sidetracked before hitting post RIP.
Anyways point was more about being able to ask people to leave at all (from what I remember the change was very you can’t kick people out cuz the Philly store did a no no. Maybe that changed after the initial backlash or maybe I’m misremembering it as a specific person my friend who was a manager at the time wasn’t allowed to kick out for some specific reason, idk man it’s been ages since my friends worked there and since that change.) but also mostly just… idk I am not particularly saying it’s super good and perfect change just that it doesn’t seem like a big deal either way. People are acting like this is some big evil change and I don’t get it. Like it’s Starbucks, they’re a for profit company not a public park I don’t see why this matters much one way or the other. They weren’t offering some beautiful after school enrichment or anything super crazy they’re just going back to their old policy.
It’s not like that’s new? They already gotta trespass people. Just an open door policy leads to people being even shittier because that’s corporate policy so you can’t kick me out and blah blah blah.
Just like… there’s a lot of other bullshit to be mad at Starbucks over this really doesn’t matter compared to their union busting or other bullshit.
Can someone explain why this is so bad?
I feel like this would be a pretty positive change for workers to be able to kick out assholes who are rude and don’t even order anything. If we aren’t going to let them unionize or pay them more at least let their work be less annoying.
Like, idk I don’t expect Starbucks to “solve” the homeless problem they usually trespass homeless people anyways. So… is this really that bad?
Sorry… they say gender identity is not immutable… as in… it is mutable…… as in it can change… but you can be arrested if it does change? Fucking… what?
Yeah and a lot are moving to heat pumps if they don’t already use them.
There’s a list of models that have them.
Ah, yes, let’s make laws specifically banning 2-5 children from ever having fun.
Like… what the fuck is wrong with you that you think a law targeting under 10 people in the entirety of the US is justified and not literally just bullying those kids on a national level to hope they fucking commit suicide? A law to tell 5 kids, specifically, that fuck them and they’re not allowed to have fun is god damn crazy.