Converting times to other timezones would be extra annoying.
Converting times to other timezones would be extra annoying.
I’m pretty sure it’s tongue in cheek of the average person who doesn’t know much about tech.
2/2 otters agree with this course of action.
Not even just ranked choice. It’s all alternative voting systems that aren’t just first past the post… 😮💨
There’s not a great 1:1 replacement. I’d suggest some sort of hybrid approach. Personally, I use mumble for voip and matrix for text. I haven’t experienced any significant stability issues with matrix, but self-hosting probably plays in my favor there.
Like blockchain there is some niche usefulness to the technology, but also like blockchain it’s being applied to a myriad of things it is not useful for.
Yes, and wasted taxpayer dollars trying to get involved in the Trump documents case for some reason and trying to delay sentencing in the hush money case.
Andrew Bailey is the absolute worst and wasn’t even elected. He was appointed by the governor after his predecessor was elected to the Senate. Somehow it looks like he is going to win in November which is so depressing.
I was aware of status code 418. The whole thing being a huge April Fools joke is amazing.
Don’t forget the nudist hunter/gatherers.
The only current think close to ranked choice voting in the state that I’m aware of is in St. Louis City where a few positions are elected based on a double run off where the top two candidates of the first election have a subsequent run off.
I read an article a little bit back where the politician championing it was quoted saying “it’s too confusing” and that is the primary reason it needs to be banned in the state constitution. So that’s the kind of people trying to push this through.
What I believe they really want is to clamp down on any chance of local municipalities trying to use an alternative voting system to first past the post. Those in power would be threatened by people having more choice.
I was just wondering how a card game had an opinion at all 😅
Credit Card companies (ie MasterCard or Visa) typically have a flat per transaction fee that is very small (like fractional cent small). The processors are the ones that take the percentage cut (PoS and your bank). It’s been a bit since the last time I looked into it, so things could be a bit different, but I would be surprised if it was.
At the time it was used by a lot of entities (including several government agencies in various countries) for alerting.