I swear most posts I see on this sub are less technology and more “what is going on in us politics and might involve a phone or computer somehow” lol
It’s all pretend. The US government already controls TikTok. The targeting of TikTok only serves to further entrench the anti-China narrative pushed by the ruling class to manufacture consent for war.
China are doing fine at that all by themselves don’t worry.
Only in the imaginary world of US empire propagandists.
Nope we watched them take HK.
We remember Tiananmen Square.
We see what they are trying to do to Taiwan.
Talk about empire lol
A colony returned to its rightful historical people.
A student protest movement coopted by foreign capitalists which led to police being killed.
An island which has always been closely linked to the mainland.
If you’re interested in what empire actually is, please read about imperialism and not the latest western capitalist creation.
Muh tinyman square
Not American.
My problem with banning TikTok is that it’s not because it’s an app that harvests data and causes psychological and social harm, but that we’re banning it because it’s not an American app that harvests data and causes psychological and social harm.