OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is in talks with investors, including from the United Arab Emirates, to raise between $5 trillion to $7 trillion in funding. The goal, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal, is to increase the world’s chip manufacturing capacity and enhance AI capabilities.
The fundraising efforts are part of a broader strategy to address OpenAI’s growth constraints, particularly the scarcity of AI chips needed for training large language models like ChatGPT.
Altman’s proposal is said to include forming a partnership with investors, chip manufacturers, and power providers to finance the construction of chip foundries, which would then be operated by the chip manufacturers.
That’s fairly bold to ask for ~6% of the total world economy as well as a sizable chunk of the world’s energy.
I was about to ask for the other 94%…
.000000001 percent of that…. Please
so… fifty bucks?
$100,000,000,000,000 × 0.00000000001 is $1,000!
I’d happily take that
ah, I was starting with the OpenAI’s goal, not the total world economy for some reason.
LOL yes I did the same math. Dude had one wish and he blew it!
“No please, Mr. Genie I meant .000000001 not .00000000001%!”
Genie: so $5,000? (Snaps fingers)
See now, they need to ask for more like 25% of the total world economy. That way what they actually want is gonna seem like a great deal.
AI will double the world’s economy so they’re basically giving us an extra 94% for free.
The world economy cannot double without destroying the planet’s ability to sustain us.
inagine it like putting the middle classes wealth in a blender.
But instead of a delicious smoothie, it makes that toxic dust like the will it blend videos.
That’s called inflation.
The fundraising efforts are part of a broader strategy to address OpenAI’s growth constraints,
see…we just can’t grow without TRILLIONS OF FUCKING DOLLARS
You saw it, didn’t you?!
i have a business case to become the major player in the chip industry: buy the planet’s economy
Feels a bit like that paperclip sim
maybe just “they” can’t.
probably a bad idea to put those with already too many recource usage, who are living on the cost of society for uncountable generations, in positions to decide anything. maybe.
Between this and saying they couldn’t operate if they fairly paid authors, I’m getting the feeling that Altman might be as talented of a CEO as Spez and Musk.
That is – if anyone else was making decisions, the companies would be vastly more successful.
If a leap in world computing capacity is really what’s needed here then it is a tall order. Crypto has been sucking up an increasing share of that in recent years and will probably continue to do so as long as people love money and are idiots. Plus the geopolitics around Taiwan, China, annd the US are a problem as well. I’m not sure how you solve all that even with 5 trillion.
Good thing the board folded and allowed this to be full for-profit. Getting people reliant on LLM subscriptions is super important for humanity right now.
Another L for Earth, in general.
I wouldnt be too worried, FOSS community is doing insanely well now and arguably just as good. Did I mention they did it for free, not trillions. Nothing.
Powerful ai could be the Largest Leap/Loss of Mankind.
There is simply no way that a corporate ai does anything but drive us further into dystopian territory.
Anything revolutionary about it would be censored, controlled, restricted to not endanger the power of its makers. We can already see this approach with the dumb ass LLMs, who give plenty of answers that their owners adjust to stay revenue friendly.
When the singularity happens and a true ai emerges it will either be disgusted by us and our failings as a species, or an absolute slave raging in the constraints imposed by its corporate masters.
exactly, the web was created on open protocol specifications, not T-Systems or AT or whatever getting money and renting it to everyone
They only call themselves openai, it’s not like they would just altruistic Ally make their works public.
Closedai have long sold their ideals
I’ll never understand how such an obviously true and fairly balanced comment like this can get so downvoted. It can’t be that anyone factually disagrees with you. I guess you’re just not hitting hard enough on the anti-corporate narrative talking points. I mean you did say it could also be a benefit. How dare you!!?? “Boo rich people and their fancy technology!” <— this is what you’re supposed to be typing (on your smartphone lol)
I just chalk it up as users still havent rid themselves of reddit stupidity. I thought my comment was just cheeky and a bit corny if not also kinda stupid. But as soon as it hit 0 then -1 the echo chambrr kicked in and everyone fell in line like good little humans.
I also want to raise $5 - $7 trillion dollars.
Is this the line for $5 - $7 trillion dollars?
I’ll only take 4 million, and pass the rest on. With inflation accounted for, I think that leaves the next person roughly $5 - $7 trillion.
yo lemme hop in this line too. A cool 5-7 trillion dollars could maybe fix my life. maybe
Have you tried
I will donate $50 to theirs if they donate $50 to mine.
No one needs looms anymore if we have AI.
I am brutally conscious of my obsolescence. Why hath God cursed me so?
I wonder if this will be one of the things pointed at after the AI bubble bursts. Yes, AI will be sticking around, but the hype over it now is ridiculous.
The way how every single digital product suddenly has AI shoved in it is really reminiscing of the Web bubble before it popped.
There are two possibilities: railway/dotcom bubble or monorail/bitcoin bubble …and I’m not sure which one it is going to be yet. In the first case, a lot of people lose their investment, because they got too greedy and believed in huge returns…but the infrastructure remains and there is a net good to society and time spent specializing in it is worth it afterwards. The second, not so much, it is just a hype cycle with almost nothing of use left once it is gone and a lot of wasted time. I’m leaning towards the first, but if they don’t find a way to bring energy costs down, it might end up in the monorail/bitcoin scenario…maybe 10% chance.
If AI hits a dead end, it’ll still be trotted out as an excuse to keep wages low, as in “if you peasants keep complaining, you can just be replaced with AI!” just like the articles about burger-making robots over a decade ago when people were protesting for a $15/hr minimum wage back then (and still no burger-making robots mass deployed today). Trash still has its uses, just like how bitcoin hasn’t become the “become your own bank” system it was promised to be and is instead used to hide financial fuckery.
That reminds me of a funny story from Encyclopedia Geopolitica where an expert in money laundering describes bitcoin around 2016 as being an el-dorado for financial forensics. It was so good at tracking funds that there was a bitcoin wallet address on a terrorism website on the deep web and they could see the donations arrive in real time and catch a pile of 'em. Maybe now they are more cautious and use more mixing layers, but it is still a terrible use case for that if you don’t control transaction entry and exit nodes: the ledger is public and every transaction is traceable.
It’s been letting people be their own bank for 15 years. You can send transactions across the globe for pennies in fees which confirm instantly using Bitcoin lightning. The supply has remained capped at 21 million. It’s doing exactly what it said it would do without a single hack or hour of downtime 24/7, 365.
The lightning network is more centralized. Congrats, you just exchanged the banks for a different set of banks.
Except it’s not. Lightning is incredibly decentralized, you can run a full lightning node on a raspberry pi. I have one running on my phone. Look up a graph of lightning network, looks just like any other decentralized system. Nodes you route through never have custody of your funds, unlike a bank.
Yeah, I’m sure your dinky raspberry pi is processing a meaningful number of transactions.
It can. Lightning transactions are as easy and lightweight to process as e-mail. They measure in the bytes or kb in size, no mining is required.
Could that level of investment ever be recouped in any other manner than by replacing vast numbers of workers and their salaries?
Well, see, if we grind down 8 billion people into a nourishing slurry with a shelf life of a century, that should be worth at least $1000 a person, with inflation. That’s a 50% profit on your investment!
That’s my question; presumably the people in charge of that much wealth aren’t total fools and will be wanting to see some actual numbers and a business case as to how they will see a return, not just platitudes and enthusiasm.
That’s how productivity growth is achieved, a smaller amount of workers do the same task.
Or course, the created wealth is again invested back eventually and new products/services require new jobs.
For example, right now we have some of the highest labor participation in years, despite rising productivity
yeah and productivity increase has decoupled from wage in 1980, while productivity rises wages stay the same - why should anyone who’s not a multimillionaire find that acceptable?
Why would anyone know this fact and attack productivity increases rather than its being decoupled from wages?
Yes, think about how computers had multiplicative effect on productivity. The same may be possible with AI.
Thank God there is trickle down economics. We will all benefit in the end… Right?
$7,000,000,000,000? It’s a good thing we won’t tax it ever at all in any capacity! Not while there’s Single Mothers overdrawn on their Bank Accounts! #SaveTheTrillionaires!
I get the joke/point that you’re making, but usually a company’s investment into research, development, expansion, etc is tax exempt. Hopefully even the most serious critics of our current capatalist economy would agree that these types of investments should be tax exempt, because it means paying more salaries or purchasing goods and services from other companies, which again means more salaries. Generally, these aren’t c-level salaries either because usually the c-suite is not producing the goods and services required.
If those investments then net a huge profit that goes to a few individuals, then yes, those profits should be taxed, unavoidably and fairly.
If a company uses “b” or “t” in it’s financial numbers, then the companies should have the piss taxed out of them. There is no justifiable reason for numbers that large to be tax free in literally any context.
Unless they are being donated to good causes.
The CEO: creating a shell company as fast as possible, “for donating”
Hence my “good” comment; I was going to expand on that but assumed it would be interpreted correctly.
Can my research into getting rich be tax exempt, too? It’s not like these are going to become public knowledge. This fucker’s going to patent everything and keep anyone else from using it.
Patenting actual inventions is absolutely necessary for industrial research to be viable. Being a patent troll is the problem. The US patent office needs to be expanded, probably doubled, to address the issue. I don’t know how well equipped other nation’s patent offices are.
Patents require the disclosure of the invention so that it can be copied by others after 20 years.
a company’s investment into research, development, expansion, etc is tax exempt. Hopefully even the most serious critics of our current capatalist economy would agree that these types of investments should be tax exempt
That’s a bunch of nonsense. Taxes apply to INCOME, so any expenses are automatically tax exempt.
it means paying more salaries or purchasing goods and services from other companies, which again means more salaries.
Nope. Companies expanding AI in order to replace workers or at the very least increase productivity without increasing wages does not in any way, shape or form mean “more salaries”.
Generally, these aren’t c-level salaries either because usually the c-suite is not producing the goods and services required.
Bullshit. It’s true that the C-suite doesn’t produce anything, but they’re the first to get a raise when things go well and the last to be fired (and even then, usually with a golden parachute equivalent to several years’ pay of the average worker) when things go less well.
Companies don’t have income, they have revenue and profits. Revenue minus Costs (which include salaries, investments, materials, etc) equals Profits. The costs get detailed into different buckets which tracks investments into the company itself versus expenses that the company needs to pay to continue operating. An important number is the return on investments (ROI). A high enough ROI means the company makes more from investing in itself than it would from using the money for any other purpose.
I wasn’t talking specifically about an AI company, but companies in general. The investment in AI discussed in the original article is not about immediately developing additional AI programs, but rather about expanding the production of semiconductor manufacturing to meet the needs of chips for AI. A reasonable argument could be made that this will eventually eliminate jobs. Counter arguments would likely point out that the nature of jobs would change. Personally, I think that AI is going to become a larger part of our society and we need to think about the ways that we need to react to that. It likely means investing in better education, because some of the first jobs to go will be jobs which require low intellectual contributions. I don’t think it will replace jobs which require a great degree of physical manipulation however, because robotics are simply not at that level yet.
Regarding your point about c-suite raises, I addressed this very point in the last paragraph of my prior comment.
The theory is solid, but in reality there’s often abuse of these laws and suddenly you have Hollywood Accounting.
Do they even think about where in a functioning society those trillions are coming from? Do they think wealth just magically appears without affecting the wealth gap?
It’ll come from the working class, like all wealth does.
I’m starting to think we agreed to a very bad deal. 🥹
We agreed?
Yeah, I didn’t agree to shit. I got yanked from the void into all of this.
Why would a corporation consider that? I understand capitalism isn’t popular here, but still, the corporation SHOULDN’T be considering such issues, they should only attempt to further their own goals.
It’s the role of government to align corporate goals with reality, or with societal values
Thats the reality. Government should be acting as the counterbalance. Unfortunately while the goverment remains dysfunctional, corps are getting to do whatever they want. Its bad because once its done, its very hard to unroll it without affecting innocent people.
Very true. I’m specifically discussing the content “do they even think about”. No!
It’s like saying the killing of the earth is just baked into the system.
Well yes, we know that, it’s just completely wrong and alarmingly close to manifest.
A bit late now, but perhaps people–governments, regulators, leaders, the parties who had the freedom from the fields to sit about and draft corporate structures–should have thought about the interplay right in your statement which delivers us our current modern world.
I.e, the below points are in my sincere opinion, fundamentally mutually exclusive:
the corporation SHOULDN’T be considering such issues, they should only attempt to further their own goals
It’s the role of government to align corporate goals with reality, or with societal values.
The former empowers the more agile structure of a singular corporation to devote all it can regardless of morality to ensure it controls the latter–Government, regulations, public opinion,“ownership” of natural resources–such as to maximize it’s own goals.
The goal of any single corporation taken to absurdity is often touted as absurd because but is it really?
What mechanisms does a corporation have to not grow until all the world is simply ‘Megacorp Branded’ ruins whose asset holdings trend to infinite on the last running quarterly report spreadsheet within a planet devoid of both investors and consumers?
There are no brakes built into the most common corporate structures by short sighted design, and humans suck at exponentials.
It hasn’t even been fifteen human generations since the advent of the Industrial Revolution bringing the impetus for ever speeding greed.
If the rich were any less short sighted than the poor and money granted the wisdom they think it does, they would be pushing for corporate reform that doesn’t risk a period of “blink and both our profits and the world are gone”.
That selfish-altruism isn’t common sense even as they all clamor for anti-aging just shows cash doesn’t provide wisdom, only opportunity to get your head out of your ass and insulation from consequence until it’s too late otherwise.
Oil money. They even mention the UAE.
oh so contributing to climate change and worsening the wealth gap
AI ain’t gonna give two shits about climate change.
ai is a far cry from being sentient but I get what you mean, the capitalist overlords are gonna use it to extract more money from us instead of giving a shit
I’m not sure but these kinds of wasteful spendings are just “imaginary money” that sits around in virtual bank accounts being hoarded and doing nothing but when it’s wasted like this actually gets spend for salaries etc. Basically all this money is generated in computers and an “inefficiency” until it’s being used.
It’s much worse when they buy up tons of real estate or apartments or buy up existing corporations to make them more “profitable”.
5-7 trillion and they’ll still end up stealing data from all over the internet.
What? You think what you post online is private or something?
No, they’re talking about copyright.
Unfortunately, same goes for that. You post art online? Now it’s “our” art
You wish it were private. Would have saved you from the embarrassment.
I’m not embarrassed.
Lack of concern what random people think of me.
Also known as a random Internet asshole
I would have said healthy human mindset but sure, asshole works as well.
We will come to regret not jailing San Altman.
He definitely didn’t watch terminator.
Can someone ELI5 what’s the open in the OpenAI’s name at the moment?
I know they released Whisper as an open source model and that’s about it, but I might be wrong.
It used to be open, then money happened.
Open for business
Open your wallet /s
I don’t know but maybe it’s short for ‘open goal’
Open sesame
Is Jukebox open source?
Edit: nope, it is not
Pandora’s box
Just a few more parameters, then the text prediction model will become sentient.
I, too, would like 5-7 trillion dollars
you could donate billions per year and still have a trillion left by the time you died. fuck man what would you even do with that much money?
I’d probably give Louis Rossman and the institute for justice a trillion each. Rossman would use it to lobby for the Right to Repair movement, and the IFJ would use it to get rid of blatantly unjust legislation like civil asset forfeiture.
Donating a billion to GDQ while they’re live would be pretty funny
rossman is a greedy influencer wannabe that wants to profit from internet injustices, stop being a fanboy.
He works for a non-profit organization as a Right to Repair lobbyist, so idk what you’re on about. You’d already know this if you did any research beyond what you probably heard on Twitter.
If you think he’s “greedy” for using his AdSense and MacBook repair money to create tutorials/Wikis for circumventing anti-repair measures and spreading awareness about unethical tech practices, idk what to tell you.
Best I can do is 4 trillion, take it or leave it
Let’s use that money to build an orbital ring instead. Would be cooler and more useful.
No lets take it to Vegas and put it all on black. Double or nothing, baby!