What a useless headline. God forbid they just give the actual capacity rather than some abstract, bullshit, flexible measure that means nothing to anyone.
Asteroid the size of 64 Canada geese to pass Earth Tuesday - NASA
I’m not even making this up …
The US really will do anything to avoid using metric lol
Canada geese are metric tho…
Our ongoing war with Canadian geese are actually the reason why we didn’t convert to metric. The geese have a harder time converting their flight paths if we list things in imperial.
Canada geese are whatever the fuck they want.
That’s hilarious.
That’s to be interesting for readers.
It also stands out a lot more than using meters. And gets people to talk about the ridiculous unit of measurement. In short, it drives engagement, which is the point of the title these days.
I especially like it when they use airplanes to illustrate weight. “… the same as 15 Boeing 747 jumbo jets”. Airplanes are made to be as light as possible, they go to extreme lengths to save as much weight as they can. As such, a 747 is much lighter than most objects of similar size. People have no intuition of the weight of such large objects to begin with, but then they add to it by using something that is much lighter than you’d expect.
Woah, I can’t wait to never afford that!
So like, 5-6 uncompressed 4k movies
It’s larger than 6 olympic swimming pools and fits in my pants.
They have to make it as accessible a headline as possible, especially when most don’t read past the headline anyway these days. The average person probably doesn’t have much of an idea as to what 125TB looks like in real world use.
I’d argue that most people would have a better idea of what 125TB looks like than knowing the size of a 4k movie file, let alone 14,000 of them. They can at least compare 125TB to their 500GB/1TB phone/computer storage.
Not to mention there’s nearly 10x difference in bitrate between 4K streaming video and actual 4K HDR off a bluray. The only people who know how big a 4K video is these days are nerds and pirates, because it’s not like Netflix tells you.
But bigger number mean more better
It does 89 285 714.3 floppy discs
It would seem attractive for me 20 years ago - as in funny and colorful. A little bit like Neal Stephenson’s writing in Cryptonomicon.
The problem is that various kinds of storage are something completely mundane today, and that particular thing is not going to reach us anytime soon, and BR is not too common as well.
And the initial association with optical discs for me is about scratches. Maybe if those were distributed in protective cases like with floppies, they’d live longer.
1.4Pb (~175TB), the quoted number of movies is based on a 14GB movie which is very small (most BluRay disks hold somewhere between 25 and 50GB) and no discussion about write speed, so basically this is cool research that someone has done and is no closer to a commercial product that any of the dozens of other articles that have come out on this topic in the last 15 years
I rip enough physical media to tell you that post-compression 14GB is not far from average for a 4K movie. I guarantee that Netflix isn’t storing those any bigger than that. Hard drives don’t grow on trees, you know?
It’s still good to know where the top end of optical storage is, even at an academic level, even if these end up not being widely used or being used for specific applications at smaller capacities. We’ll see where or if they resurface next, but I’m pretty sure we’re not gonna get femtosecond lasers built into our laptops anytime soon.
Streaming services definitely don’t give you full quality files. They’re compressed to save bandwidth. Netflix only uses about 7GB per hour in 4k. That’s about the exact size of the higher quality 1080p movies I download.
It’s usually less than 7gb per hour, it ranges from 2 to 7GB, it adjusts butrate on the fly. Netflix quality sucks.
Edit: realized I typed butrate instead of bitrate, it fits, so I’m leaving it.
Yeah it’s fine, especially with recent codecs like AV1 and you’d expect future codecs to improve further.
These aren’t really trying to target a commercial product, at least not anyway. For now these are of interest to enterprises.
I could see them being archival backups for TV broadcast, quite a few are still using tapes for long term archive.
From the article:
What’s almost more remarkable is that the scientists say a single new blank disc can be manufactured using conventional DVD mass production techniques within six minutes.
If this was a response to write speeds they meant the speed at which data can be written to the disc, not the time ot takes to build the disc. Read/Write speeds are a standard measure used to tell whether something would be efficient to use. For example one could say storing an OS on a DVD and booting would be dumb because it would run extremely slow, where as the read speed for playing music or a movie off it wouldn’t be an issue as it doesn’t need higher performance for such.
And I believe 4k blurays are on average around 100 gb? So that will be about 1800-2000 movies. Still a lot, but not the 14.000 they say.
The rips I pirate aren’t re-encoded and are usually in the range of 50-75GB, depending on the length of the film.
Hmm, interesting. I guess on actual Blurays they would have space for extras, menus, sometimes different dubs etc, so that makes sense!
That’s nearly 4 Call of Duty games
Maybe without the useless campaign mode.
I wonder what the longevity of one of these discs is? The article says they can be manufactured in regular DVD production facilities, so it probably depends on the material used (which I think can range).
If they could combine something close to this data capacity level with the M-DISC standard (which supposedly last for about 1,000 years once you take into account the organic ingredients) that would be fantastic.
There’s no point making it last 1000 years since there won’t be any working drives by then. You usually need to move data to a newer format every 15-30 years. Look how hard it is to recover data from 8" floppy disks or old tape formats now.
Tape storage 100% is still a thing and is valued for a lot of truly critical data.
Also, WAY too much critical infrastructure still depends on floppy drives because… there is not a good reason to upgrade the hardware when they need data on the order of hundreds of kilobytes every couple of months.
Storage with purpose will be preserved. Maybe not in a computer sold in best buy but very much in “computing” as a whole.
I can’t think of any situation where THIS disc is useful. But optical drives themselves are 100% going to remain a thing because they provide write once data storage (and OS installation) which is incredibly useful in secure environments.
Tape is still very popular. There has been a new LTO version released every few years. The recent ones are only backwards compatible with the previous version and the older ones supported 2 previous generations. If you need to read 20 year old data from an LTO tape, you will have to find an old drive that’s compatible with that version.
There is a surprising amount of equipment still reliant on 3.5" floppy disks. Unfortunately it’s getting much harder to find new old stock disks. Many of the older disks are degrading now. I’ve had some where a lot of the magnetic material gets worn off after a single read. At least there are floppy drive emulators now that can be used to prolong the life of older equipment as long as it doesn’t use a weird format or interface.
This 1000 years thing is how (at least on paper) the main components of the medium can chemically stay intact and bonded together. You want this as stable as possible since more stability means more resistance to outside forces like moisture and such. Most discs suffering from disc rot today had a number between 5 years (baaaaad) and 200 years (still not great) and are decaying now.
So don’t take things like this too literally.
How much is that in football stadiums?
Call me when you can buy a spindle with 100 for $50
Lol… my though exactly.
I can’t comprehend it. Please elaborate it in numbers of an average-sized white truffle.
…That’s a lot of porn.
New optical-disks able to hold a shit ton more storage sounds cool, until you realize you probably ain’t gonna be seeing widespread adoption of it among the general public due to cloud storage and things like that, so if it ever does become publicly available it’ll cost way too much.
Cloud storage gets very expensive when you need to backup tens or hundreds of terabytes. You need very fast internet and you still need a local backup too. A second NAS and a tape drive will probably be cheaper than this new optical drive though.
That’s what the article said.
Cloud storage is just someone else’s computer. That someone else is who the target market for something like this is. Server farms need a lot of storage, and that takes up space. Optical storage of that capacity is great for data you need to read often, which is the vast majority of data on servers.
Yeah, that’s going to be the thing. LTO tapes/drives would be dirt cheap if the demand was anywhere near where DVDs were at their peak
And also probably need to use a new reader to play the disc. It’s probably gonna be expensive.
I hope they come in vacuum cases, or the scratch is gonna hurt
The DVD.
It finally hit the corner straight on.
Mildly infuriating photo of the disc being inserted upside down.
Double sided disks look like this
Which this probably is if they want to pack as much data as possible in one unit.
You seem like you’ve handled quite a few double-sided disks in your day.
These would be great for backups if they’re cheap enough.
How great would it be to include a Case Logic binder in a safety deposit box.
It would also be cool to see a comeback of those old optical disc overlay file systems that let you treat the file system on read-only media as if it was mutable.
It would certainly be a fun challenge to design a modern file system on top of append only media.
With that said, I’m very concerned about cost. It’s hard to imagine this seeing mass adoption.
I hope they actually end up calling it the Very Big Disc ™
I’m imagining the RPMs on these babies trying things trying to load Gigs worth of data at a time. I like to think it will start glowing from the heat generated.