twitter blue subscribers can now hide the entire reason they spent money on it in the first place
this comment has quite a reasonable explanation. Your posts are boosted without you disclosing you paid for it.
Well that sounds terrible. At least with the blue logo you can just hide or block their posts to get to the organic engagement.
yeah, seems like now it will be very difficult to weed them out… just another reason to go away from twitter
Knowing how well Twitter is being maintained, there’s likely going to be something left in the code to give Blue people away
And if so, the blocker I have on PC will find them and block them still.
well that explains why whenever i look at a tweet i have to scroll past all the top comments which are inevitably the stupidest ones
Also it let’s Elon pretend that more people are subbed than really are. We know he likes to inflate the perception of whose willing to pay for it after he gave out a bunch of free checks to celebrities who refused to sign up
They’re probably tired of the harassment they’re getting for paying for it. A lot of the blue check tweets I’ve seen have a comment section mocking and berating them. I think it’s a shame they get to hide it. If they paid for it they should deal with the harassment that goes with it.
Seems like they’re getting the “freedom of speech” they paid for.
I personally think subscribtion model is better than ads so mocking these people seems kinda odd
I agree with this sentiment but I think the real issue with this change is that Twitter Blue subscribers get their content’s visibility boosted. Without the blue checkmark visible, it’s impossible to tell who had their content boosted through organic engagement, and who paid for it
The Twitter Blue subscribers are not getting mocked for paying to remove ads. They are mocked for paying money to have their voices cary more weight. And they are paying that money to a company that as of late has supported CSAM, racism, and vaccine disinformation.
Right. And now, going into an election year where misinformation is growing in weight and volume, we will have no idea who’s artificially boosting their content.
Also, it means that every single breaking news tweet, who are you going to see first? All the dick riders who paid for Blue, which slants a very particular demographic’s way.
2024 is going to be a nightmare.
What’s the difference between paying to get your tweets seen and paying to get your tweets seen?
I fucking love how news outlets refuse to acknowledge the new name.
I am all in on only referring to it as Twitter.
I’ve taken to calling it “The service formerly known as Twitter.”
Nah just disrespect the whole sham.
Call it Twitter. Call them tweets.
Nobody calls Facebook “Meta”.
People call the company that owns Facebook Meta all the time. Facebook is still called Facebook because they didn’t change Facebook to Meta, they changed The Facebook Company to Meta.
Technically Facebook is still called Facebook, it’s the parent company (IE who owns everything and who is listed on the stock market) that’s now named Meta. However it’s a similar situation to Google and the parent company Alphabet, No one calls google or google connected products Alphabet products because it’s not meant to be what you refer to it as.
Pronounced as in portuguese (sh)
Chinese too!
ex twitter
I personally am not willing to gloss over the stupidity of Musk and fix his mistakes. I am calling it X and Xers just to emphasize how stupid he is.
So I guess now you can get your tweets pushed without disclosing that you payed for it…?
That’s a bingo
“We just say bingo”
Ah that makes more sense.
That must be the true reason behind this move
They’re Xes, not tweets.
They were bullied too much ahahahahahah my goodness
Bro I love bullying the chuds, magas and domestic terrorists.
But when you see a reply from a small account with few interactions high up under a popular post, you’re still going to know it’s a paying simp.
It’s like putting a clown nose whilst wearing your nazi uniform. People can still see the uniform, but now they also think you’re a clown.
This is hilarious. Thank God I never made an account on that cesspool.
I was either on my last slide phone or my first smart phone when Twitter came out and Facebook was beginning it’s ascent to late 2000s domination.
From the beginning, I thought the concept of effectively posting text messages on this new Twitter thing made no sense at all, so I never bothered making an account.
However many years later, I’m super glad I thought Twitter v1.0 was so silly.
I was head of an IT department at the time and distinctly remember telling everyone in a team meeting that this “micro-blogging” was pointless, going nowhere and we should ignore it. Wrong!
Think the only thing you were wrong about was “going nowhere”.
Unfortunately a lot of people like doing pointless things that they should ignore.
You mean you didn’t want to spend 10-20 cents per tweet and per reply to you and from you to share 140 characters a pop to the internet?
Glad I wasn’t the only one.
Shit never made sense to me either.
They can’t even be proud of their decision to lick the boot. I’d call them worms but that would be an insult to the worms.
So… if you can’t see if someone is a “legit” (verified) account, why would you pay that fat f@ck for verifiXation?
I assume twitter blue offers other perks, that people might want without the shame of it being publicly known.
Their posts get prioritized in the algorithm iirc
By a vast margin. Replies are apparently unusable as a thing for communication because if you have a checkmark the algorithm ignores any other consideration.
I heard of several people paying for blue to be able to edit tweets and such before Musk bought it.
I thought that making blue check marks purchasable was one of the first things Musk did at Twitter after firing everyone.
I don’t know what it was called, but the purchasable blue check marks thing built off of an already existing service. It might have had a different name, I don’t remember.
Paying for Twitter Blue wasn’t a thing until after Musk bought Twitter
I don’t quite see what your average Twitter user needs the information for about whose a paid member and whose not.
I recall reading (forgot where) that someone with the Blue Check-mark has more “weight” when retweeting and responding to tweets. And that the Blue Checks can easily bury anyone without a Blue Check in Twitters algorithm. This was done intentionally by Elon to pressure people into paying.
It’s why artists like Adam Ellis blocks anyone with the Blue Check; right-wingers hate him, and they can really fuck up his reach, so he just blocks anyone with the Blue Check-mark who replies/re-tweets his work so they can’t even interact with his tweets. And he isn’t the only artist that does this.
I mean why would they hide it? The only people who bought it are twats who think they’re cool.
You get to keep the premium features even if you hide the blue checkmark.
What snowflakes
Never been a Twitter - or “X” - user, but:
Isn’t it the whole point to show everyone your blue check mark that you have been approved or something like that? How else would one know that you are the real deal?
That was the original purpose of the checkmark, but Elon took them away from everybody who didn’t pay for Blue or corporate verification (and didn’t have over a million followers at the time) and started giving them to everybody who paid for Blue and added a phone number.
So now the checkmark just means they are paying for “X.” Of course, I’m sure some people are now ashamed that they’re paying, so they have the option to hide it now.
Thank you for clarifying.
You’re welcome. Unfortunately, I’m still on the former birdsite because of the artists I’m friends with on the platform.
All I ever see is a stream of stupidity from blue checkmarks. Let them wear that badge with shame.
This is freaking hilarious! Even Twitter knows how blue checkmarks are now badges of shame
Should charge extra for the ability to hide them 😆
Isn’t having the mark part of the flex?
It also promotes your tweets. So now you can have all your tweets at the top, without people immediately seeing that you are a grifter who paid for it. This isn’t going to be abused in a multitude of ways at all.
It’s still pretty obvious. If there’s a random bad take in the middle of a sea of blue check bad takes, you know instantly that person is hiding their check. Otherwise, they wouldn’t get algorithmically pushed up with the other checks.
Until most of them are hiding their checks…
Cucked behavior if you’re gonna pay Elon musk you need to wear that shame
Imagine using Twitter after everything that’s happened
You’d be surprised how many mindful people have a mastodon profile, “in case twitter finally goes down”, but they didn’t use it to this day…
What’s next, a Honda logo to hide the logo on their Tesla?
Bet Elon wanted this because people kept blocking anyone with the blue checkmark, and the people that paid for it kept crying about being blocked.
That’s fantastic.