The original used to be my favourite reddit client, so I’m really happy to see there’s a semi-fuctional lemmy fork.
So this means another lemmy app for me to install. I’m still switching between apps
I still have 8 lemmy apps installed on my phone lol
Heh me too!
I JUST realised that the app icon is NOT a mole with red glasses looking up from a hole in the ground. Huh.
Lol you are right!
I head to look at it for a good minute to figure out what else it could be. lol
…holy crap, same. This makes me uncomfortable.
First comment from Infinity for Lemmy!
Infinity was my app of choice for like 2ish years, it still works with Reddit atm but when I moved to Lemmy the only real app was Jerboa, and man it was not the same
I delt with it tho, in the hopes that one day Infinity would be for Lemmy
I am way too stocked over a Lemmy app, but man Infinity is lightning fast, super smooth, and beyond customizable! So I won’t be needing Jerboa or Liftoff anymore
I am home!
Worth noting it is not affiliated with the original dev. This guy forked it and took the name.
The beauty of open source!
meh, it’s a bit shit if the original dev wants to make his own Lemmy app.
The infinity dev literally said to fork it because he has no plans to support lemmy himself.
Pretty sure the original developer of Infinity is one of the few people who will try to follow Reddit’s new API rules and charge a subscription fee to cover it. At least that was the case a few months ago. Not sure what’s currently happening.
It’s been very quiet on that front
A lot of people (myself included) are using a modded version of Infinity that allows you to put in your own API key.
You don’t even need to do that, still works without doing anything.
Yeh, little worried dev is gonna get a huge bill from Reddit
Yep, that’s the reason why infinity still works. Seems like they gave the devs who want to continue some time to figure it out.
He didn’t and this is the whole point of open source.
He said he would not
And filled it with ads. Gutted.
Same here! This is the beauty of open source software!!! Nothing is required from the original dev for the community to take the software and repurpose it for something else.
I’m the same as you, it immediately feels familiar and intuitive. For a while there learning a new app while also learning how lemmy worked was like learning a new language, haha
Just downloaded and holy crap, this thing is smooth as butter. Already more functional than that $115 closed-source alternative. Instant switch for me.
It has that many features since it’s a fork of Infinity for Reddit which was/still is the most feature rich Reddit client
Sync is a fork of Infinity? Wow, I didn’t know that.
No. Infinity for Lemmy is a fork of Infinity for Reddit. Sorry for the misunderstanding
Nope that’s on me. Got it, thanks.
No it is absolutely not. Sync is its own app and has been developed by one person since its inception, both the reddit and the Lemmy version.
@bluetoque @newIdentity time to download 🙂
Is $115 an exaggeration? Not trying to start an argument, just curious.
The Sync dev is currently charging $20 USD to remove ads, or $100 for a lifetime subscription to “Ultra” which includes some additional features. I have to say, the app is really nice, but the dev is out of his mind.
Wow yeah $100 is steep. I’m not even sure if I would have paid $100 for Apollo for Reddit in its prime…
And there are more pricing models to come, confirmed by the dev already.
And also, get this… it’s FREE to use. No one is forcing any money out of your pocket.
Your passive-aggressiveness is very off-putting.
With that being said, it’s not FREE to use if I’m getting ads, I’m just paying with something other than money. I’ll continue to use one of the many alternatives.
So are heaps of other apps that gasp DO NOT HAVE ADS
No lol
F-Droid when?
I’ve been using Obtainium instead and loaded Infinity through it this morning. You can also have it pull from f-droid repos instead of GitHub if you want when that hits
Edit: Currently the app is in prerelease so you’ll need to toggle that option. Once they have a full release you can toggle it back off.
As a side note, Obtainium is absolutely amazing.
I’m trying to get it to pull infinity but it saya it can’t find the correct version number
All you should need to do is set the App Source URL to and then toggle on Include prereleases. Once they get a full release out you can toggle it off
That’s my issue. I didn’t realize it was a pre-release. That makes sense. Thanks a bunch!
I should have thought to mention it. I’ll update my comment 👍
Thank you for this. Impressive. Running infinity for lemmy now.
Crap… Obtanium is a 32bit only app. It won’t work on pixels :(
Not sure what you’re referring to, but I’m using it on a Pixel 7 without issue.
Just download the ARM64-V8 version.
Also. I use it on my Pixel 4a with Android 13.
I am officially using it to post this, and I gotta say… I don’t miss Reddit, but I did miss Infinity. I just didn’t realize how much until now.
I am too, and new to Infinity overall. I was patiently awaiting Sync but became sadly disappointed with how aggressive it was monetized. Infinity does what I need:
searching for posts over all communities (*and instances!)
inline find function for the comments
preview before commenting
I am simple. Infinity is fast. Go. Lemmy. Go.
Agreed, it seems the Sync dev is going for a get rich quick scheme
Is it usable?
It’s usable. Every important feature has been implemented.
It’s just that it isn’t stable and still has some bugs. It’s my main client already
Thank you!
So first impression after installing Android apk from
It has that smooth fast scrolling feeling and lots of options. Feels very promising. :)
And for some reason, it feels like it’s loading comments much faster than other clients.
We are now officially spoiled for choice with tons of high quality clients.
Aoled theme is a godsend
Damn, finally an app with an A M A Z I N G tablet layout. I don’t know your username dev, but thank you for making this!
It’s Bazsalanszky and they’ve got a community setup on (which hosts /r/android’s !
Tell me that it has a thumbnails on the left option and I’ll ditch Sync right this very moment.
Pretty sure the original did so this should to
Yeah, and it’s Incredible! I’m typing this from Infinity for Lemmy. It’s great!
With this, now Lemmy is the perfect alternative for Reddit. Spez can continue to eat glue.
You are supposed to sniff it, but I guess spez got that wrong too like everything else.
What you got against glue?
Feels right at home.
If this project survives, that would be awesome.
Suggestion: Could we get an option to see both the upvotes and downvotes?
I’ve been waiting for this for so long. Everything about Infinity for Reddit happened to suit my tastes, so this will make using Lemmy so much easier. Thanks!
This totally made my week! So glad to have Infinity back 😌 Thanks a lot for the effort gone into this Mr. Dev 😘
My sentiments exactly!
Happy for Infinity users. Legacy Reddit third party app users are feasting in the past couple of days with those apps moving over to Lemmy.
Yet the one most popular is infested with ads, tracking, and subscriptions. Not giving back or contributing to the opensource devs at all.
I blocked that community as it felt the dev has paid actors trying to promote its $100 price tag and people are blindly falling for it.
Ok, don’t use it then.
Don’t judge how people use Lemmy.
I never judged the users.
I’ve been using the app for the past day+ and I only get an ad every 25 posts and none everywhere else, even comments. I prefer foss, been using linux since 2018, but I don’t see why every dev should have to contribute if they don’t want to. At the end of the day, it means more active users on lemmy. What every person puts on their phone is up to them. (I also might switch to infinity now that it’s out too.)
The quality of users went downhill fast. They want ads, so we’ll get ads. Everything on Lemmy’s “all” is about Sync. It’s marketing. People love that yes.
Just feel sorry for all the people who voluntarily put in their work. And then some dipshits start paying some front end dev 100 dollars who’s piggybacking off of the work thousands of volunteers put in.
If you think they’re worth it that’s up to you. It won’t do the community any good. It already went downhill today.
That’s because it literally just came out. I don’t know how else to break it to you.
They’ll stop talking about it by next week.
Like an advertisement campaign you mean.
Shame on a single developer to want to be compensated for the work he’s put into an app. How dare he try to make a living! How dare he go against your will! If you don’t like it then move on. Publicly shaming a non-issue, lol.
Also, if you’re so upset with an app “infested with ads” but you are savvy enough to be in the know about third party fediverse apps, maybe you should look into a whole home ad blocker.
Ostracizing someone for trying to make a living. What the hell is wrong with you?
You sound like you’re married to them.
Nothing wrong with being critical, especially when it comes to ads and devs piggybacking off of open source software and communities.
For what it is worth, I won’t be paying $100 for Sync Ultra either. But I’m not going around accusing a dev of hiring paid actors to promote his app that already has multiple posts on the front page of the fediverse.
You are not just “being critical” you’re accusing them of being malicious and I am calling you out on that specifically.
If you don’t stand up for what you believe in you might as well have never existed.
And how is introducing ads and tracking (Google’s stuff) not malicious?
Idk dude, it doesn’t take a dummy to understand that not everyone is out to get you, if you can’t understand that then I can’t help you.
I hope you’re not using any closed source software elsewhere in your life, otherwise you’re a hypocrite against your own beliefs.
The only closed source software I use is my bank app lol.
I recommend you do the same to avoid your data being used against you.
I never said I was against closed source software. Learn to read before you try to engage.
The ad free version is $20… Still steep but for an app I am going to use every day multiple times a day with it to me.
Lemmy doesn’t have ads.
I’m not sure what your point is?
That’s why you pay.
Hey man. You should download Sync
I don’t use Google crap.
Super excited to see it available on Fdroid!
EDIT: looking forward*, not excited. sorry
It’s on F-Droid?
I cant find it , just the infinity for reddit there !!
Not on fdroid yet, it is available on their codeberg repo.
Thank you
Edit: I’m so dumb, the post is already linked
You can use obtainium on fdroid to keep it updated