Oh no! The browser that forked the browser that a browser made by the largest ad vendor in the world is based on in order to be able to serve different ads is legally threatening a browser that forked it in order to remove said ads?
Did I get this right?
The brave people have always seemed kind of scummy to me. This just reinforces it
It was made by a free speech company that supported neo-nazis and white supremacists. They also wanted to replace the coin system.
- https://micky.com.au/gab-parasites-fork-brave-browser-replace-bat-with-btc/
- https://discourse.mozilla.org/t/the-removal-of-the-dissenter-extention/38140/70
- https://old.reddit.com/r/browsers/comments/ptaau2/what_happened_to_dissenter/
- https://www.customerservant.com/no-one-disputes-the-fact-that-gabs-founder-has-the-right-to-fork-brave-we-just-dont-think-nazis-add-value-to-anything-including-code-bases/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gab_(social_network)
- https://old.reddit.com/r/browsers/comments/bgmgi5/the_dissenter_browser_will_have/
- https://everipedia.org/wiki/lang_en/dissenter-web-browser
In April 2019, Dissenter was removed from the Firefox Add-ons website and the Chrome Web Store for violation of their policies that causes the creation of the Dissenter web browser.
Brave never threatened anyone.
brave is also run by a homopobic alt right ass so…
please note: I do not support coil