I’m not a lawyer, but wouldn’t pretty much every jurisdiction consider you properly served if you were posting publicly demonstrating knowledge of the case and especially that you were dodging service?
Probably, but do you really want to take that tiny ass chance that your case gets thrown out on a technicality?
Plus, it gave the attorney general a chance to post a screenshot Giuliani’s deleted tweet mocking him and also saying, “you got served, motherfucker.”
I’m not a lawyer, but wouldn’t pretty much every jurisdiction consider you properly served if […]
Meidas Touch on YouTube discussed if it was needed to serve him. I forgot a bit what they said, but recall that they were doing more than what was needed. Plus there were also more aggressive options that were possible.
Anyway, Giuliani has continuously been trying to not do anything. His behaviour is consistent, but also weird. A judge used his behaviour to dismiss a complaint or something. He’s not helping himself. I wonder why he behaves in ways that seemingly completely destroy his financials.
Brain worms, I can only assume.
I can imagine Trump having worms and Rudy sucking his ass 24x7 is a good method of transfer.
Worst remake of Human Centipede evar
Having seen the first and reading about the second, it wouldn’t really be much of a step down.
Coincidentally, Giuliani isn’t a lawyer either.
Comedy heaven.
Ol Rudy is textbook boomer.
Confident as fuck, while constantly getting shit on.
And also like a boomer, they continue to get away with it.
He’s actually just outside being a boomer but that doesn’t make any difference.
I see no reason to believe any of the earlier generations were any better. It’s not really a generational thing anyways. It’s a class thing.
The sad part is that the parents and grandparents of boomers were all war scarred alcoholics in need of therapy. Boomers repeated that behavior with some added generational narcissism.
Scum bag
Hope they give Ghouliani a good pat on the back. You know. Make sure he’s not keeping a butter knife taped to his shoulder or something.
? no just a large nixon tattoo squarely on his back
(I’m saying use the potential for weapons as an excuse to pat him.)
^“I’m in good shape for a 78-year-old. He could’ve easily … knocked me to the ground and killed me by my head getting hit,” Giuliani said.
Why would he put that thought in people’s minds?
Oh man, that’s gonna be real awkward when they drag his ass before a judge.