Exclusive: Family calls for inquest, saying Wilkinson visited police ‘almost every day’ before she was murdered by her husband in 2021
I hope the police and everyone who ignored her pleas are reminded of her death everyday of the week. Name names.
When seconds count police are
only minutes awaynot coming to save you.“Cop Shopping” is a gross term for them not doing their job. They never prevent or protect anything.
a friend of mine did the same thing before her domestic murder. the police (who are well funded in this town) did not want to take her seriously, and they did nothing. another friend helped her out and was subsequently murdered too.
Sorry you lost friends that way. Hopefully the asshole that did it never sees the outside of prison ever again.
it wouldn’t make a difference. He’s not going to kill anyone else
To be fair, it sounds like this murder led to a pretty thorough external review and an acknowledgement from the QPS leadership that things had to change.
The police are worse than useless.
Nooo. Like their cars say, they’re there to protect and to serve and-… Oh, I see how they may have slipped up on this one. And maybe in a few other incidents… Regularly… All the time…Okay, you have a point.