I definitely think he should. Maybe he can recruit a few more billionaires to prove that it was just a freak accident.
I would like to recommend my e-book, “How to build a totally safe paper-mache deepsea submersible” available on Amazon for free.
A coupon for free discarded Boeing carbon components offered with every copy.
Why for free? Tout yourself as the guru of paper submarines and sell that 130 page book for $99 on your personal site. Make some money off them first.
A classic.
I agree but I have a little paperwork for him to sign first, and we’ll need someone other than me to witness it. Some silly rule about beneficiaries.
Paper mache! Ooh wee sign me up. /s
These are proper subs they would use, not like the hacked together Titan sub. Also, wishing death on people? Really?
Billionaires are partially responsible for every workplace death that occurs due to inadequate safety. It’s less wishing death and more vengeful thoughts.
I can despise a class of people without wishing death on them, that’s just pathetic honestly.
If they all up and died, and their heirs too, all that absurd wealth would fall back to society where it belongs and would over night end modern day capitalism. All for the low cost of a few hundred morally bankrupt people all over the world, who by all objective measures exhibit parasitic behavior towards everyone else. More people die in car crashes each year.
The needs of the many…
Because that’s just inhuman, regardless of capitalistic failures.
No, what is inhuman is hoarding so much wealth the rest of us atrophy and fucking die. What is inhuman is destroying the only environment in the universe that we can survive unassisted in for the sake of profit. This is real life, the influential actions and the absolute command these people wield sends thousands to their deaths every day. They play Ashen Lord every day, keeping that Age of Fire going. Well its time to return to your thrones, the age of dark is coming.
They don’t have to exclusive of each other.
So are the actions that got them all them billions in the first place.
Eye for an eye I say
They are plotting the death of somewhere between millions and billions of people, via the climate change that they could mitigate at any time.
Most on lemmy cheer when billionaires go down, and for good reason. They are parasites leeching on us for far too long
Ah, feel that dopamine hit as you self-righteously chastise someone on the internet in your performative pearl-clutching routine.
You’re welcome.
So, where did I wish death on them in my statement? I expressed the idea that he and other billionaires should show the world how it’s done properly, and my willingness to assist them in this endeavour (for free even!), such assistance they may or may not want to accept.
I think you have a deep, ugly core that sees things that aren’t there, based on your own feelings towards these people, and projects those dark thoughts into the things you read, causing you to lash out at innocent strangers on the internet.
You should really do some self-examination at the evil inside you, perhaps some therapy would help. I hope the best for you, good luck!
We’re not wishing death on them, just looking forward to reading their obituary with great pleasure.
Larry Connor is a real estate investor in Dayton, Ohio
Oh, a landlord. Does he have any friends in the business he can take with him?
I mean, he’ll probably be okay. Deep sea submersible technology is pretty nailed down at this point.
What happened with the Titan is the Ocean Gate guy thought he was smarter than everyone else and could make a deep sea submersible with non-standard components (carbon fiber that had passed it’s expiration date, off-the-shelf electronics, oh and a window not rated for the depths it was going). And to be fair the out of the 15 attempted dives down to the Titanic only one of them catastrophically failed. A 6.6% failure rate isn’t too bad… for some applications.
What happened with the Titan is the Ocean Gate guy thought he was smarter than everyone else
So a billionaire? Like this guy?
That is a Project Veritas level edit to generate a completely out of context quote.
I don’t know that it’s out of context to say that this guy who thinks he knows everything is doing the same thing that the last guy who thought he knew everything tried to do.
Honestly if it was just a drone it would have been pretty respectable. Using otherwise less desirable tech and materials to achieve a goal equivalent to high tech shit is pretty impressive. But they just gad to put people in it.
Every new detail I learn about the engineering of the Titan submersible takes me to a yet more profound depth of claustrophobia I did not know was possible.
I’m amazed that the local military is still mulling over the investigation to recommend criminal charges. Seems open and shut to me. Criminal negligence at least, multiple homicide well within reason. People were even warning him not to put people in an untested carbon fiber submarine before it’s journey resulted in failure.
What engineering? Every trained engineer he hired said “this is a terrible idea” and he fired them thinking he was smarter.
He had an 18 and 19 year old kids as engineers on his staff that were just first year students.
Yeah, I came here to make pretty much the same comment. Submarines aren’t exactly the most difficult things in the world to buy or build, the OceanGate guy was just a catastrophic moron with a heart of rot.
But what makes you think this particular billionaire doesn’t also suffer from delusions of grandeur and thinks he too can make a submarine with parts bought at home Depot?
Please take the muskrat with you.
seconded! Mr. Musk, if you read this, you would be the greatest of all time if he regularly took new submarine constructions down to the Titanic!
All right, get into the idiot squisher.
Do it! Take all the other billionaires with you! Any of the ones that don’t want to go down to the Titanic can be sent off to Mars with Elon.
Good. Can we get more billionaire onto this trend of offing themselves?
The Titanic is hungry. It must be fed. The spice must flow
I support this.
Tf? This is the new Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.
then shalt thou count to three…
Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three!
Right. One, Two, Five
the ocean can be “kind of life-changing if you go about it the right way.”
yeah, like if you make a series of staged* test dives to determine the vessel’s endurance and viability before filling it with a group of rich dummies and going straight to the bottom in one go.
*“staged” as in test diving in successive stages of increasing depth, not “staged” as in “faked”
This guy seems to be taking safety slightly more seriously with his sub plans than the last guy. Which is unfortunate for people looking forward to more billionaires transforming themselves into paste.
If Elon Musk were a real man and billionaire, he would make his own carbon fiber sub to dive to the titanic.