this has been my linux year
You have an actual AMOLED display? What type of machine is it?
nah probably shouldve just said black, im used to calling it amoled because android lol
I wrote a whole post last year about how using #000 is often preferred. It’s incredibly annoying how hard it actually is to find themes that are optimized for OLED on desktop. Mobile is less bad but often, particularly in FOSS apps, black is an option.
I don’t even have an OLED display for my desktop and I’ve still preferred pure black background for the longest time.
I’m glad dark mode is a standard unlike 10+ years ago when you had to hack it in yourself most of the time. But Ui designers just seemed to be afraid of trying anything outside the standards Google/Apple etc put in place.
I think you could make an argument about depth & shadows being more difficult with a black background but I would question your design if those were imperative to the design.
Finally some love for #000000 #FFFFFF <3
Thats some dethklok levels of black.
So how usable is OLED for productivity and what WM/DM do you recommend?
I am toying with the idea of buying one, but people are saying that it sucks for productivity, and the text is less legible compared to IPS for example.
guess i used the wrong wording because i just meant the black theme, idk much about specific displays and all that
either way, im pretty new to linux and havent tested out wm/dms yet im just using the ones that came with gnome
i dont have any issues with my setup though
How do you get this black theme? I downloaded Gradient-Dark-GTK and set it for legacy applications in Tweaks but nothing changed
i had to force applications to use it through a command in the terminal that i already forgot