Analysis of the carbon offset projects used by top corporations including Delta, Gucci and ExxonMobil raises concerns around their emission cuts claims

Some of the world’s most profitable – and most polluting corporations – have invested in carbon offset projects that have fundamental failings and are “probably junk”, suggesting industry claims about greenhouse gas reductions were likely overblown, according to new analysis.

Delta, Gucci, Volkswagen, ExxonMobil, Disney, easyJet, and Nestlé are among the major corporations to have purchased millions of carbon credits from climate friendly projects that are “likely junk” or worthless when it comes to offsetting their greenhouse gas emissions, according to a classification system developed by Corporate Accountability, a non-profit, transnational corporate watchdog

Some of these companies no longer use CO2 offsets amid mounting evidence that carbon trading do not lead to the claimed emissions cuts – and in some cases may even cause environmental and social harms.

  • ThrowawayOnLemmy
    3910 months ago

    We knew that when they were buying them. Carbon offsets are just another way to kick the can down the road past the point of no return.

      3010 months ago

      Worse, they were pure PR. A way for a company to say “look how green we are, we are offsetting all our emissions!”. Which, of course, they did by finding a shady company that “offset” the most for the least amount of money.

      I wonder how many times the same tree was paid for by companies to “offset” their CO2.

      It doesn’t even kick any can down the road. It’s throwing cash at a tree while rolling coal.

      • HubertManne
        10 months ago

        company. the biggest buyer of credits was the us military. look how green we are by our reports /s.

          • HubertManne
            110 months ago

            ill add the /s for the last line. though it might be complicated since the military being the biggest user is not the sarcasm but the followup line is.

              210 months ago

              When I was in there was always talk about how if you added up all the “saved $XX million by doing Y” it would come out to multiple times the military’s budget. I figured this was the same principle.

      10 months ago

      That’s incorrect. There are legitimate offsets, and bullshit ones. Let’s say you have an online business. You can’t control the energy consumption from leased servers, or tell UPS to use electric vehicles for delivery. The only way you can reduce your business’s footprint is by offsetting. By funding alternative energy harnessing devices like solar or wind, even devices that do not directly power your business, there is a measured carbon reduction by the production of those devices that can be subtracted from your business’s footprint. Offsetting like this is recognized by climate scientists as legitimate.

      The bullshit ones have estimated offsets based on experimental averages. Planting trees to combat deforestation, for example, while good for the environment, do not provide a measured reduction to carbon in the atmosphere. Those estimates are not recognized as legitimate offsets by the scientific community, but are widely used in business due to lower cost of implementation.

      510 months ago

      They had good salesmen at the start, and not enough market data to show they were bullshit, person in charge of paying wasn’t hired as an environmental officer but is just the niece back from cocaine rehab

        410 months ago

        They had good salesmen at the start have lobbyists and donate to both parties

        Fixed that for you

        But part of the problem is Republican voters believe anything their politicians say and never hold them accountable, and too many Dem voters have been acting that way too.

        If there’s no pressure to do the right thing, politicians will do what gets them the most money.

        When voters of neither party has any standards, the corpos will do whatever they want.

        A cynic would say that happened decades ago.

        I know it’s been over a decade that I’ve been accused of all sorts of stuff for having more standards than the letter D next to someone’s name.

    • Aniki 🌱🌿
      10 months ago

      I know tons of clowns on Lemmy that will downvote you the second you mention you cant capitalism your way out of climate change. The same fucks shopping for EVs and refusing to go vegan, probably.

        10 months ago

        Why the hostility towards common folk buying EVs? I know EVs aren’t actually very green, but if you have the choice and ability to choose between an ICE or EV, I’d rather they do the latter. Of course, I think many Hybrids have proven to be more carbon efficient over the lifetime of the vehicle than both ICE and EVs, but that’s another discussion. And if you live in a situation where you don’t actually need a car, that’s also the most ideal.

        Also, vegan isn’t a viable option for many people. Hell, half the world doesn’t even have access to reliable grocers or live in climates that aren’t very capable of growing enough plants to live off of alone without supplementing with eggs or milk or some other animal product. A lot of people that have severe diet restrictions (e.g. Low FODMAP) are allergic to a shit ton of plants and fruits (I personally think some of the chemicals and/or GMOs used on/in our crops are what’s triggering the sudden rise in people who are becoming gluten and/or FODMAP sensitive, but again, another discussion).

        The hostility should be directed towards these corporations and those who are actively or aggressively working against solutions for climate change.

          710 months ago

          The hostility towards EVs is misplaced, likely due to both musk being a shithead and tons of misleading articles about how terrible they are. Over their lifetime, EVs have far less emissions than any other vehicle. It’s not even close. Certainly there are better alternatives like public transport (which isn’t available everywhere) or cycling (which isn’t doable by everyone). However, in a car society, EVs are just about the best we can do.

          As for the food restrictions, they are just not that common. Most people have access to and can tolerate rice and beans which are a complete protein set. As for vitamins the vast majority are found in high quantities in common plants (such as spinach). About the only thing to watch out for is B12 deficiency. Combatting that, however, does not require meat with every meal.

          Certainly it’d be better if more variety and tasty plants were available. However, because plants are a staple to cuisine they are everywhere. If you look at the actual meat in your diet you’ll find it’s almost always served with a load of plant based food surrounding it.

          I’m sympathetic with the difficulties going full vegan and am open to the notion that it’s not possible for everybody. However, that does not mean that it’s not an achievable diet for most people.

        710 months ago

        Reduction of consumption is our only answer. Your car didn’t magically become eco friendly because ford said they would plant a couple tress after you bought it.

  • delirium
    310 months ago

    Throwing money into the fire to escape responsibility does not work? No way!