Doctor Who did what?
Glad I’m not the only one who saw that lol
Don’t act that surprised. They’ve been going for a while now, and the writers are running out of ideas.
The guy they’ve got running the show now ran out of ideas fifteen years ago.
Shit got weird
Weirder than a race of sentient liposuction fat blobs?
isn’t that what she is?
Yeah it doesn’t seem in-character for him
Maybe if he said it turned people into aliens…
I spent more time figuring that out than I’m willing to say.
Some quack said the vaccine makes you magnetic and it went viral on Twitter. Her license was suspended and she was fined $3,000.
Also, the autocapitalization in your comment compels me to commend your taste in tv shows.whooshSome quack said the vaccine makes you magnetic and it went viral on Twitter.
Because people are stupid. The correct response would have been that society looks at her with a sideways head, confused, like a dog hearing a new sound. The dog doesn’t know what that sound is, but the dog knows it’s not right, and shouldn’t be heard.
Pssst… that’s the joke
I’m starting to think this “Doctor” guy isn’t even licenced
They either need to pay their taxes or get back in the tardis and fuck off to another dimension.
Let’s not besmirch the good “Name of the Doctor,” please.
I think this comment wins the Internet today.
“Doctor” sounds like a bit of a stretch
Not everyone who goes to medical school is a rational (or sane) person. And some of them do succumb to the grifter lifestyle because it’s easy money.
She’s still a total idiot though. You don’t just get to decide “I’m not paying taxes this year”. Who does she think she is, Wesley Snipes?
Also, as the old saying goes, do you know what they call the person who comes last in medical school? Doctor.
I’m a medical student, and I’ve had a cardiologist tell me that COVID is just like flu and masking is useless
To clarify, I don’t agree lol
wtf? Wouldn’t masking also be beneficial to mitigate flu transmission as well?
There are varying levels of truth to that. How sincere were they?Edit: See subsequent comment for clarity.
There aren’t any levels of truth to that? The only similarity is that both of them are viruses that can cause respiratory symptoms.
Okay, my original comment clearly came across as a weasel for COVID denial so sorry for that. Fuck denialism.
What I meant was that - like flu - it is an endemic respiratory virus which will be nasty but not fatal to most people. In certain contexts masks are less useful (not useless I suppose), and this is particularly in areas where mask use is minimal and strict (e.g. under the nose or constantly being touched without proper hand hygiene).
So what your cardiologist said could have been a realistic assessment of the current state of COVID, or denialism in which case they’re a dick.
You need to be much richer than her to not to pay taxes in the US.
You never know what kind of doctor she is. Maybe she is a doctor of Aura Reading or Astrology.
As someone with a doctorate in Metaphysics from the Universal Life Church, I concur.
Hey, I’ve been a minister for the ULC for like 15 years lol
It’s very charitable of you to take time out of your busy astral projections to channel your professional opinion through the ether, doctor!
It’s always the people you most medium suspect.
I hear magnets don’t work if you drop them in water, so all these people scared of magnets had to do was bathe regularly, but that was asking too much.
where did you hear that??
ahh that’s the puzzle piece I was missing
That and also the fact that many smooth objects will stick to your skin if you haven’t washed the oils off of it. (To be fair, you can have showered that morning, but I didn’t see any reason to be generous.)
This actually connects quite a bit for me. I was wondering why so many weird experiments popped up about magnets working/not working in water. Like why would anyone think they wouldn’t?
Oh shit I remember this. This was one of the things my parents said and I had no idea where they got it from.
No amount of logical explanation or showing James Randi testing past claims from “human magnets” helped.
Same. Covid vaccine conspiracist aunt came over and asked if we had tried putting a paper clip on our vaccine injection site. I laughed and she said she was serious.
Fucking Facebook, man. Got all these boomers acting foolish.
Way beyond foolishness. It’s more like weaponized stupidity, cultist behavior, that’s threatening all of us with some kind of idiocracy.
Tenpenny owes a total of $646,929.82
This is why i always wipe out tenpenny tower
No. Megaton is a blight on the scenic view from that tower, not to mention that the longer it exists, the higher the threat is to the people around it.
Megaton is where my house is. Alistair Tenpenny can do one
I’m sure they’ll pull something together to pay it.
The Department of Justice’s Tax Division sued Tenpenny in the US District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, accusing her of failing to pay her taxes in 2001, 2012 and in 2013.
With the addition of late fees and penalties, the DOJ argues Tenpenny owes a total of $646,929.82.
Tenpenny spoke to and told reporters she has been unfairly targeted by the feds and claims she has tried for years to clear up her tax issues.
“This shows what the IRS can do to a person that they target,” she told’s Adam Ferrise. “This is a total harassment case. They’ve been doing this to me for 23 years.”
I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that attempting to clear up the issues didn’t involve paying them.
The DOJ noted in the court filing that Tenpenny had previously established “compromise offers” and was involved in “installation agreements” to pay off her taxes, but noted the taxes from three years remained outstanding.
Close. She paid for some other years that she didn’t pay taxes, but not these.
I would love to be a magnet.
Magnetic implant is an experimental procedure in which small, powerful magnets (such as neodymium) are inserted beneath the skin, often in the tips of fingers. They exist in tubes and discs. This procedure is popular among biohackers and grinders, but remains experimental.[1] Magnetic implants are often performed by amateurs at home, using readily available surgical tools and magnets found online. However, some professional body modification shops do perform implant surgeries.[2] Magnetic implants can also be used as an interface for portable devices to create other new “senses”, for example converting other sensory inputs such as ultrasonic or infra-red into a touch sensation.
Wasn’t there a guy who did this before 2015 too, with RFID?
MRIs would suck though
Only the first one, and not for very long.
Seriously, so many times I’ve dropped a screw and can’t find or reach it…
I am confident that someone makes a magnet-on-a-thing keychain tool.
looks at Amazon
Years ago there was a trend of implanting tiny magnets into your fingertips to allow people to be able to feel magnetic fields. It was big in the body mod community around 2010 ish.
“License removed” when?
Watch, I’ll just stick it right and it will… whoops, hang on, I put it here and… dang. So, I place the metal. Gdi!