A company that breeds animals for medical testing has been fined a record $35m (£27m) after 4,000 beagles were rescued from its facility in Virginia in 2022.
The fine against Envigo RMS LLC for animal cruelty is the largest fine ever issued under the Animal Welfare Act, according to the US Department of Justice (DoJ).
“Envigo promoted a business culture that prioritized profit and convenience over following the law,” Christopher Kavanaugh, the US attorney for the Western District of Virginia, said in a statement.
“This callous approach led to dire consequences: the inhumane treatment of animals and the contamination of our waterway,” he said.
Envigo’s parent company, Inotiv, has agreed to pay the record eight-figure settlement. It has also agreed to not breed dogs for the next five years.
Disgusting. Commercial breeding should be illegal. There are enough dogs in the world as it is and they encourage inbreeding to boot.
These dogs are tortured and killed, they are bred to be tortured and killed.
When you see products that say “not tested on animals”, these are the animals that things DO get tested on, and their bodies are disposed of immediately afterwards.
Envigo promoted a business culture that prioritized profit and convenience over following the law
Yeah that’s called capitalism
In other words, the cost of doing business
Capitalism doesn’t have a monopoly on market economies, no matter how much it pretends to
I don’t know what you mean by that but there is a concept called law as price which is very prevalent in the US. Basically means that fines for laws are not punishment. It is the price to commit that crime. For example companies make billions and pay fines and write it off as operations cost. Planet Money on TikTok has a great video about it.
I don’t know what you mean by that
Yeah, clearly.
Jesus, the education on the TikTok generation. Yes, that’s called capitalism.
Profit above all else leads to to shitty societies, but we have a choice.
How do consumers have a choice that Envigo RMS LLC decided to use illegal business practice to breed dogs for medical testing? Please enlighten me.
As if it was Envigos choice.
Don’t pretend everyone isn’t doing it under capitalism.
Basically what youre saying is that it’s only their fault and that’s only because they got caught.
I’ll keep enjoying my objectively better, socialist nation
pretty rich of you to call others dumb then post idiotic shit like this.
Fuck that company for so many reasons. Chief among them, breeding a dog that barks and howls incessantly.
I trained my beagle to do neither bark nor howl, but she whined incessantly lol. Point is, any dog can be trained at any age not to, so it’s the owners fault (most times as there are exceptions), not the dog’s.
Yes, I’m actually mad at bad owners. Poor dogs are in the cross fire.
Maybe but their back is like their ears, way oversized.
I think you’re thinking of basset hounds. Beagles ears aren’t all that big. Bigger in comparison to head size than a terrier’s or a shepherd breed, but not ‘trip over them’ basset hound size.
I think I was too.
I always get them confused
Beagles are the primary breed for any sort of medical/drug testing. I have no idea why they use beagles specifically, but it’s the industry standard.
They’re well mannered and don’t take up much space is the answer in seeing in all the search results.
Each one of those beagles is worth ten of that slimeball.
Is there an animal offenders list we can add these monsters to so that they’re not even allowed to pet someone else’s dog for the rest of their life?
Mixed thoughts on the outcome of this lawsuit. “Envigo’s parent company, Inotiv, has agreed to pay the record eight-figure settlement. It has also agreed to not breed dogs for the next five years.” Like, how about a permanent ban? Five years, are you kidding me? Better than nothing, but cummon.
I’m glad that a portion of the money fined will go towards the activists actually rehabilitating/rehoming these beagles. “The agreement calls for the company to pay $22m to the US government, as well as pay approximately $1.1m to the Virginia Animal Fighting Task Force and approximately $1.9m to the Humane Society of the United States for their help rescuing the beagles.”
Let me check article - Yep, the East Coast where puppy mills run rampant.
if you’re not vegan, you’re part of the problem
Get a load of this reformed beagle-eater here. Good on you for stopping eating dog, but most of us don’t share that life-challenge.
You can take the fried beagle out of my cold, dead hands.
I think that’s somewhat of a pedantic place to draw a line in the sand. I could just as correctly claim that if you aren’t committed to civil disobedience and are still paying taxes, then you are part of the problem. You are vegan, but you’re still supporting a government that spends hundreds of millions of dollars perpetuating animal cruelty on a daily basis?
Just because you aren’t vegan doesn’t mean you can’t believe that animals should be treated in a more ethical manner. Veganism is a imperfect human construct filled with internal contradictions based on western interpretation of ethics and cultural mores.
I bet that person also buys products that are either based on stuff that has had animal testing or actively does it. Bet they’re vaccinated.
I have never been persuaded to loathe myself as much as I am now, after reading your comment. Thank you.
It’s insane how colonial veganism has become. It’s quite possible to be thankful to the animals and plants that give their lives to sustain you and quite eurocentric to view those two positions as incompatible.
You need to open your eyes to the real world friend.
It is extremely awesome that you read “some cultures treat meat consumption differently” and replied, “you’re wrong” without any further comprehension of that difference. That is an excellent demonstration of how bull headed colonizers can be when pushing an agenda.
It’s excellent to see how proudly you wear that chip on your shoulder. You are wrong, and me pointing out there are 250 million Indians who are vegan shows how wrong you are. Lose the hate, get with the program.
3 animal abusers are upset lol.
based on your posts, you’ve convinced me to shoot squirrels with a pellet gun all afternoon.
it won’t kill them, not quickly. But I figure making a couple dozen animals suffer and die a slow death in my neighbour’s yard will create a nice balance.
Username relevant, fortunately your inbreed bosseye means you won’t hit shit.
tell that to the 3 squirrel corpses in my neighbour’s yard.
You’re right, it’s just so hard because it’s all I’ve known and it’s everywhere around me 😔
When steak stops tasting good, or they finally nail lab grown meat at a low enough cost, maybe I’ll join you.
Ok show me the plant I can use to test how drugs interact with living cells to determine their mechanisms of action in the human body, I’ll wait. You’d better not be taking any pills or going to the doctor ever after putting this shit take on the internet, because every drug product in use today has been tested on animals, with good reason. We need to know how this shit works, and I don’t see your ass lining up to be a test subject so we’re using a dog or rat or monkey.
Plants scream in terror and pain, too.