ST. LOUIS — Five states have banned ranked choice voting in the last two months, bringing the total number of Republican-leaning states now prohibiting the voting method to 10.
Missouri could soon join them.
If approved by voters, a GOP-backed measure set for the state ballot this fall would amend Missouri’s constitution to ban ranked choice voting.
We believe in the one person, one vote system of elections that our country was founded upon,” Missouri state Sen. Ben Brown, the ballot measure’s sponsor, said in an interview
Ranked choice is one person one vote. One person enters the voting booth and votes once. It’s not as though ranked choice voting gives some people the opportunity to vote multiple times, every voter is allowed to rank the candidates one time.
Idiots using lies to scare other idiots into following them. People need more education and experience with RCV.
And STAR voting!
I support STAR voting, but RCV has a lot more momentum. We shouldn’t let the two get in the way of each other. Vote for RCV now if your city has momentum, work towards STAR in the future, unless STAR is already popular in your city. People are easily overwhelmed.
why the HECK am i just now learning about this??? and whenever i mention the need for strategic voting due to flaws with FPTP someone is always there to chirp at me to “just do RCV” as though i don’t know and no one is trying
so you mean to tell me not only are those people who are trying are failing, AND we are moving backwards?
we’re all going to fucking die, aren’t we
I read this article earlier and that also stood out to me. I am literally a news junkie and can’t remember reading another article about this in the past 2 months
If a party wants to make first past the post the law, you know that party has no interest in what’s best for its people.
Just autocrats doing autocrat stuff.
I’m sure this will pass, I just do not understand why people vote against their own best interest so damn often.
Lead poisoning
And microplastics.
Cults gotta cult.
Ok, let’s do STAR voting instead then.
Obviously. The people that are banning ranked choice voting are exactly the type who would never get elected if we had ranked choice voting. They’re protecting their undeserved power. Duh.
I think I might leave this here for my American friends.