The land, water and air around us are chock-full of DNA fragments from fungi that mycologists can’t link to known organisms. These slippery beings are so widespread scientists are calling them “dark fungi.” It’s a comparison to the equally elusive dark matter and dark energy that permeates the universe.
Now if they would also discuss dark algae, that is something I’d really be likin’
Take care, you may start lichen-ing
They listen to way too much Bauhaus while lurking.
All those dark entries. Must be growing in them thar hollow hills. Best go tell telegram sam, because nobody wants to kick in the eye.
WTF is ‘too much Bauhaus?’
Kick in the eye, I tell you.
Look, if you people have a better “fungi are goths” joke, you tell it.
Because I’m proud of mine, damn it!
It made me grin. And then get defensive: am I listening to too much Bauhaus? When is too much?
Though I actually listen to them rarely. They’re just imprinted on my mind. Probably play their songs on guitar & bass more than listen to them.
Next time they’re touring…
Too much is when you become a mysterious dark fungus.
I’ve no problem with that, either.
Bauhaus, wenns gut werden muss.
Absolut ja
I’m actually fine with a “The Last of Us” dystopian/apocalyptic future. Beats the hell out of “The Handmaids Tale” route we are headed down.
So THAT’S what was leaving the ring in my toilet back in college!