Just in case there is confusion, he was a foe because he was anti-LGBTQ+.
Basically the best thing he did for humanity was to die
Anti-LGBTQ+ foe sounds like he was against anti-LGBTQ+ folk.
I was just about to ask about that, because I genuinely do not know what the article title is trying to convay.
Either I’m stupid, or the person writting the article title is. And I’m not sure which.
Sorry. Thought it would be funny
You forgot this: .
“Inhofe was among a group elected evangelical officials pledged to erecting a Christian Nationalist state” - Something about this part gives it away…
Hah, lowkey kinda gay
Rest in piss you hateful fossil.
And nothing of value was lost!
Only all the oxygen he converted to CO2 in his lifetime.
I had to read this twice.
Is he a foe of those who are anti LGBT? Or is he a foe to the LGBT, because he’s anti.
Obviously I got there with context but the headline is confusing
Rest in piss.
This post title gave me no clue on his LGBTQ+ stance.
What we need to do is to get two guys to make out in front of his grave while a bunch of Muslims throw snowballs at it.
Anyone know where his services will be held? I need to know where he’s buried for future bathroom breaks when traveling.
Good. May he stand before any judge he may face wearing nothing but the choices he made. I wish him luck in that, for I feel he will need it and that it won’t help him.
Snowball guy can rest in piss with Rush Limbaugh. Burn fuckers.
Isn’t this the guy that threw a snowball in congress to prove there no global warming because it’s cold whee he is?
What a fucktard
At least he didn’t get to enjoy his retirement for very long.
Finally we can put the fossil back in the ground where it belongs.