Weird messages from the Empress telegram. Must be a day that end in Y.
right? gotta wonder why it was even posted in the first place
Because it was posted to Reddit and got traction
That’s my guess at least
Oh no, she is off her meds again. Fast, I need to call FitGirl
The Empress saga somehow keeps getting more fucking weird
empress has such incredible villain energy i love it (she sucks ofc)
The kind of villain that is entertaining to watch. Hi, Gia Gunn, Elliot Goss, and Shiv Roy (for example)!
I take this back. EMPRESS is simply awful. Not a fun villain.
What have empress done? I’m out of the loop
bigoted wierdo
Oh :c
yah unfortunately shes like legit batshit crazy.
I thought people were exxagerating till I heard the bigotry stuff
on r/piracy, OP gets attacked for their second answer…
hahaha, I didn’t even noticed their votes
They probably enjoyed it
To be fair, OP asked to be abused.
80000+ Core Members. Seems like a big cult.
Nah we just are there for news whenever a new Denuvo game is cracked
In other news, the floor is made out of surface
Is that a euphemism for “I’m in the bottom 10%”? Jk
The floor is made out of ME. I’M THE FLOOR! uWu
You’re so much less unattractive with my feet on your face ☺️
Psychiatry could learn a lot…
Weird? Nah, this seems about right.