Kill the caps! ISPs should just be dumb puppies with low margins.

  • It’s surprising at this point why their isn’t some form of nationalized ISP. How is the internet, as far as infrastructure goes, any different than highways or railroads?

      62 years ago

      Hard agree, and you can see some success stories here and there where communities get municipal broadband up and running. Legacy companies and GOP legislators on their payroll are very hostile to this however, preferring to loot the Treasury (in the form of subsidies) and continue delivering subpar service. Would be cool to see at a state/national level though.

  • riskable
    42 years ago

    STOP WHATEVER IT IS THAT YOU’RE DOING and fill out the form:

    Tell the FCC how much data caps suck and how–if anything–it should be illegal for companies like Comcast to exempt their own services from the data caps. If their IPTV-based “cable” service is streaming 4k video 24/7 that should be included in a customer’s data usage otherwise it’s an abuse of a monopoly over the user’s connection!

    Even if they didn’t ban caps outright the caps would disappear overnight if companies were forced to include their own services in customers total data usage figures (because 4k streaming TV services would eat up 99% of the average user’s cap in like three days LOL).

    32 years ago

    This is one of the worst proofread articles I’ve ever seen from The Verge.

    • Nobody has 100/200 Gbps home internet. Likely means Mbps
    • covid should be capitalized as COVID