Far-right plan for a Republican presidency would undercut unions, strip child labor laws and boost corporate profits
Donald Trump proclaimed he was for “all the forgotten men and women”, in his acceptance speech at the Republican convention. His vice-presidential pick JD Vance consistently portrays himself as a pro-worker populist. But an analysis of the labor chapter of Project 2025 – an ambitious rightwing plan to guide the next Republican presidency – found it has little to offer them.
Project 2025’s labor section proposes hardly anything to improve workers’ wages and working conditions. It is, however, chock full of recommendations that would boost corporate profits, undercut labor unions and advance the rightwing culture war.
Project 2025 contains several recommendations that would, when taken together, cut the pay of millions of workers, especially by making overtime pay available to fewer workers, even though many Americans rely on overtime pay to make ends meet. This so-called “Presidential Transition Project” shows outright hostility toward government employee unions – whether police unions, firefighters’ unions or teachers’ unions – saying that Congress should consider abolishing all public sector unions. Project 2025 would further undermine unions by recommending a ban on the use of card check, one of labor’s most effective tools to organize workers. Once a union gets a majority of employees at a workplace to sign pro-union cards, unions often point to this majority support to persuade employers to grant union recognition and bargain.
In what world are billionaires pro-worker?
In Trump world, where freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength.
Stupid war with EastAsia. I can’t believe we’ve always been at war with them.
What are you talking about? That’s crimethink! Off to room 101 with you!
tHeY cReAtE jObS!
It WiLl TrIcKlE dOwN
Trump is pro whatever he thinks you want to hear.
Even without project 2025 Trump has a history of refusing to pay his own employees. He’s a fucking weird ass clown.
He’s soooo old too. He’s just pathetic at this point
There’s no such thing as a pro labour conservative
The last pro labor president was FDR
That’s okay. Trump disavows any relationship with Project 2025.
He agrees with everything they want to do, but…
Trump sat in front of a room full of black journalists and when replying to allegations of racism, he said he had done more for black people than any other president since Abraham Lincoln.
At this point he is going to claim anything to anyone all the way to his insurrection day
Project 2025 ruined Trump’s ability to say the thing without saying the thing.
If I was a news anchor I’d simply show Trump say something then proclaim the exact opposite, which is almost always true.
For example when Trump says,
I don’t know what project 2025 is
We should hear-I know exactly what it is and will push it.
Trump-Ive done more for black folks than any other president
Means- He’s literally done nothing to help blacks and doesn’t think he should pay for black jobs.
Trump- Fake News
Reality - 100% absolutely true and inconvenient for the shit Trump’s trying to grift.
Trump - Make America great
Reality - Destroy democracy son I can stay out of jail.
Trump - Any place any time
Reality - Any place anytime as long as I can choose the place and time and rules and they can’t fact check any of my lies.
Trump- I’m not weird
Reality -fucking weird and gross
We need a name for the law that says putting “Trump says” or “trump believes” in the headline is an automatic fail.
He was pro coal mining. That’s about the only job I think he was pro.
And yet the demise of the coal industry accelerated in his administration, with no apparent pause despite Trump rolling back the safety regulations that were protecting the coal miners. He’s pro coal baron, not pro coal miner
Can we all just agree at this point that we know exactly who this man is? More news stories like that please!!!
The Guardian - News Source Context (Click to view Full Report)
Information for The Guardian:
MBFC: Left-Center - Credibility: Medium - Factual Reporting: Mixed - United Kingdom
Wikipedia about this sourceProject 2025 - News Source Context (Click to view Full Report)
Information for Project 2025:
MBFC: Right - Credibility: Medium - Factual Reporting: Mixed - United States of America
Wikipedia about this sourceI’m learning new things all the time with this bot. I had no idea The Guardian and Project 2025 were equally credible and factual!
I appreciate the Guardian because they do occasionally break some news, but I have always been aware they’re on par with outlets like Fox News and Daily Mail. Same methods and style, just in the other direction.
I generally cross check them against someone else before I just go ahead and believe them. This is just a good idea, no matter how you may feel about how their articles sound.