I think the tech is still kinda pricey, but imagine having a phone, table, and then full computer when docked to a keyboard and mouse in one device.
That’s the dream.
I’d even be happy with the phone/full computer combo.
Except I would HATE 1. having the full computer use the Android OS (or ios) 2. Not having full access (administrative / root) rights on my computer, for some vague security handwaving.
I agree, that’s what I meant by full computer.
Why? Android is Linux.
Xiaomi allows bootloader unlocking, so you can install a ROM that gives you root access.
- Well, not really, not in any practical sense. It’s hard to customize it in a sense you can customize a linux distro or desktop environment, it’s hard to script things on Android, it’s hard to access filesystem etc. You have to do everything “android way”, not “Linux way” - the skills you may have from one platform are not transferable to the other.
- Oh, let me tell you about that. I have an Xiaomi phone purchased about 2 months ago, based on supposedly unlockable bootloader… and I haven’t been able to successfully jump through all the hoops they put in the way of unlock in this whole time. Their support is completely useless, the community is full of people with same issues and no solutions and every unsuccessful attempt at unlock pushes the next one one day or two weeks (!) into the future. Fuck this shit. All I’m asking is ‘sudo’ on a “Linux” computer I bought.
There are Terminal emulators. They can’t do everything, but they’re okay.
They used to have freely unlockable bootloaders but it is becoming harder and harder with newer models.
We’ll probably get there in 10-15 years (as in at mainstream, mass market prices).
Sounds cool but most of the folding phones I have seen are as thick as 2 phones stacked when folded. If this is now 3 phones thick I think it looses some portability unless you put new pockets on your pants.
It looks a little thick but not insanely so, judging by the photo in the article.
For me it looks thin enough when unfolded that I’d be worried about breaking it if I hold it wrong.
This is going to be like Gillette razors right?
We are getting close to the devices from Westworld!
I look forward to the point a screen can be balled up like a piece of paper
I look forward to the point a screen can be balled up like a piece of paper
Well, most flagship mobile screens are already flexible. It’s the rest of the components that is the issue 😄
“Paper can only fold 7 times; can phones fold more?”
They were so concerned about whether they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should.
They were so concerned about whether they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should.