Izzat al-Rishq’s remarks came shortly after the Israeli army announced that it had discovered the bodies of six hostages in Gaza, asserting that they had been killed by Hamas.
“The ones who kill our people daily are the Israeli colonizers with American weapons. The hostages found in Gaza were not killed by us but by the relentless Zionist bombardment,” Rishq said in a statement.
He further criticized the U.S., saying, “If President [Joe] Biden truly cares about the lives of Israeli hostages, he should cease his support for this enemy with money and weapons and pressure Israel to end its aggression immediately.”
Makes sense. I was wondering if that was the case. Still sad for the families of those hostages 😢
Well, at least it’s now confirmed from a reputable source what actually happened.
Edit: I refer to my earlier comment and thank Poe for his prescience.
The US state department is not a reputable source. But even worse your link is not relevant to this post.
Hamas said it; WanderingVentra believes it. That’s the attitude I portrayed in the referenced comment: the need for a reputable source like Hamas to confirm a story before it should be given credence.
It must feel strange that nobody believes IDF or the state department anymore.
Wonder where their reputation went. You think they might have lost it by lying all the time?
My parents and their friends are still continuing to believe them, business as usual. Boomer’s gonna boom.
I see what your confusion is now. The reputable source in my comment is Hamas, not the US State Department.
The article you posted is just about what Hamas is claiming. WanderingVentra read the article about what Hamas is claiming and decided it answered the question of what happened to the hostages.
Kind of like how the CCP lies all the time to cover up stuff like killing a bunch of Uyghurs… right?
Yes kind of like that. But I’m sure if China was covering for israel all of those smart free speech warriors would “easily see through the propaganda” and wonder how anyone could fall for it.
I think most non-politicians see genocide when it happens. Unless the media or the government shuts it down, but that’s a different problem.
Weren’t the bodies found with multiple gunshots to the head, according to the autopsy?
The Israeli Health Ministry said autopsies determined the hostages were shot at close range and died on Thursday or Friday.
In other articles, the ministry says the autopsy revealed gunshot wounds to the head.
Didn’t hear head, did hear gun shot wounds in the news report I just heard about the general strike against the war in Israel. Sounds like a lot of people there blame netanyahu for the hostage’s death
I read earlier this morning that the autopsy revealed multiple headshot wounds that were obviously fatal. I agree with you on the last part-- I saw an interview last night with the brother of one of the victims and he was quite critical of Netanyahu, pretty much saying it’s entirely his fault.
Could you link the report? I haven’t seen anyone except the IDF making claims about their cause of death so far.
I don’t have any official report but most media outlets’ sources all claim the hostages were shot in the head.
Edit: Here since you guys are fucking babies and can’t be bothered to look up news articles but somehow can be bothered to cry when someone posts a source you don’t like, have a PBS link
Now I’ll wait for someone to cry about that link too because it’s "funded by the Biden administration" or some garbage. I swear you people are like the online equivalent of a grown ass man who can’t cook but is also a picky eater.
Not a right wing 40 beheaded babies outlet please. It doesn’t even cite its sources.
I did a little searching myself and no sources I’ve seen claim to have confirmed what injuries they have.
Sources close to the investigation said the captives had been shot in the head in the southern city of Rafah.
Do you expect a media outlet to name its sources in a situation like this?
Also you’re more than welcome to search up the many news articles reporting in on this instead of being a smarmy little weirdo. Israel’s ministry of health also confirmed that they were shot in the head, as confirmed in their autopsy. Given the fact that these people have families who will want to see their bodies, I highly doubt Israel is lying about how they were killed.
But yeah, what’s with the BS snark? So sick and tired of this Mean Girls garbage on Lemmy, it’s so cringy.
Also you’re more than welcome to search up the many news articles reporting in on this
I did. They did not claim whatever your Telegraph article says
Also you’re more than welcome to search up the many news articles reporting in on this
Haven’t seen a credible source reporting it so far
Given the fact that these people have families who will want to see their bodies, I highly doubt Israel is lying about how they were killed.
Israel lied about many deaths on October 7 claiming people they shot with tank shells were “burned alive by Hamas”. There’s a thing a called a reputation and Israel does not have it. Israel has one mode and it’s lying
They lie about the most easily debunkable facts such as who killed Shireen Abu Akleh.
If Hamas truly cared about the lives of it’s people they would return the hostages, disarm, and surrender.
If israel truly cared about the lives of it’s people they would accept a ceasefire.
israel is giving no incentive to do so; they torture prisoners
And not use hospitals and community centers as their battle grounds
Sorry, did the person who took hostages just say “if you care about the lives” you should stop supporting Israel?
This is why I still support Israel. Fuck these terrorists.
How many more children have to die before you reconsider your support of Israel?
Every one of them until they stop attacking Israel and especially taking hostages.
If your kids got take hostage, would you limit what you would do to get them back?
How many children have been taken hostage by the IDF from the West Bank without trial or judicial process, but instead by a military tribunal without a right to representation and the only testimony that matters is that of the soldiers that kidnapped them in the first place?
Is it in the thousands? I think it is.
They have children too.
Would you be okay with me moving into your garden and building a hut there and threatening you when you protest ? And when you silently let me live in your garden I bring all my family and friends and build more and start taking your rooms because you know, I need the place and some ancestor of mine told me God promised me your garden. Would you maybe wanna hit me if I don’t stop?
I wouldnt be ok. I would go to court and sue you. I wouldnt send suicide bombers to your child’s school for that. I wouldnt fire rockets to your entire neighborhood and I wouldnt take 5000 of my friends - invade your original home and kidnap 250 of your family memebers and put them in tunnels and say I would give you 25 of them back alive only if you stop searching for them.
The court doesn’t give a shit, though. Look at what’s happening with the international court.
Oh, and also, the police is supporting me with weapons to fuck you up if you try to chase me from your lawn.
Anyway whatever hammas did is not justified by the Israeli occupation/ illegal settlements / jewish terroristic settlers
You’ve got the metaphor wrong, and it’s a useless argument to defend even if it was correct because almost every other country in the entire world is on “stolen” land.
Jewish people have been there for literally thousands of years. So have the ancestors of the Palestinians. Neither was the country that existed even just prior to the formation of Israel. So they fought, and even with support from multiple neighbors the Palestinians lost. Now it’s Israel.
Who wins is how borders work in the real world.
Unless you’re also supporting giving back your land to the previous inhabitants completely… Should all non-native Americans leave north America? Should England give their land back to the Celts? Should we all climb back into the womb in Africa and just disappear the human race?
So if putin wins ukraine belongs to him ?
Yes, that’s how it works. He already took Crimea in 2014 from Ukraine.
At least you’re consistent with your opinions.
Oh I am sorry. I thought I was talking to someone sharing the consensus we formed as an international community after world war 2 to keep a status quo regarding borders (except for some peaceful special cases) represented by the UN and to stop all the useless expansionist fighting all through history.
This fighting you apparently approve and are completely fine with stronger countries just invading others for expansion of their territory. That is a very shitty world you want to live in.
Just some examples of what you are apparently super fine with:
Russia completely conquering Ukraine and that being accepted by everyone. China annexing Taiwan and while we are at it why not just most of SEA as well. The Republicans just fighting their way to control of the US if they happen to lose the election. I mean people fight and who wins is right, right?
In my example above I shouldn’t even bother slowly creeping onto your land but just fight you for it and if I win I got a free new home. Sounds like a utopia, doesn’t it?
Just for the record. I am not even primarily for a Palestinian state. But it is a way better alternative than to just kill an entire population because you can’t live in peace with them. And I am aware that it’s not just Jewish peoples fault that this apparently doesn’t work. But annihilation is never a solution.
The UN approved borders for Israel after the world wars, and 5 neighbouring countries invaded Israel the day it declared independence and was supposed to take effect because they weren’t happy with them.
So clearly annihilation was a perfect answer.
When thousands of other kids were getting killed? When hostages are dying anyway, including by being shot at by the IDF while emerging unarmed, shirtless and waving a white flag? I sure as fuck would. In fact, I’d be telling the world that Israel was doing nothing but make my child’s life worth nothing.
Maybe ask israel to stop killing the hostages then.
Rishq emphasized that Hamas had been more concerned about the lives of the hostages than Biden himself, citing Hamas’ agreement to a cease-fire proposal and the UN Security Council’s resolution, both of which were rejected by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Hamas could release them any time they want.
They took them for a reason, to use them against Israel.
Israel could stop bombing at any time.
Hamas is not the one that had to build a wall and a multi billion dollar rocket defence system and still got attacked.
Israel tried to defend itself, Hamas kept at it, and now they’re paying the price. This is war.
This war has terrorists on both sides. The Gaza population are caught in the middle and it’s entirely unfair. In retaliation of an awful terrorist event, Israel have flattened an entire country.
In comparison Israel is state terrorism supported, armed and funded from West.
According to international law, Palestinians, including Hamas cannot be terrorists because they have an inherent human right to self -determination and resistance:
In relevant part, the resolution not only went on to affirm the right “to self-determination, freedom and independence […] of peoples forcibly deprived of that right,[…] particularly peoples under colonial and racist regimes or other forms of alien domination” but noted the right of the occupied to “struggle … and to seek and receive support” in that effort. source
That inherent right does not extend to using any means to achieve it; just like a state’s right to self defence does not grant it the right to use any means to achieve it.
Palestine is not a country and has never been a country.
False, it’s considered a sovereign state (aka a country) by 75% of the UN members.
And it’s not recognized by a single G7 country in that 75%.
It doesn’t even have it’s own proper government, and Gaza specifically doesn’t even have a puppet government anymore because it’s being controlled by Hamas rather than the PA.
So not false.
Palestine had a proper government, which split into effectively a civil war after an attempted coup, backed by the US. See Wikipedia:
“In an April 2008 article in Vanity Fair magazine, the journalist David Rose published confidential documents, apparently originating from the US State Department, which would prove that the United States collaborated with the PNA and Israel to attempt the violent overthrow of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and that Hamas pre-empted the coup.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Gaza_(2007)#:~:text=In an April,empted the coup
The split happened after plans were drawn up to undemocratically remove Hamas from power.
Hamas was never a proper government. It has always been a military organization. It was literally formed to fight Israel.
Hamas prefers armed resistance, yes. Nonetheless, they were elected and in power in a democratic fashion (before it all went to shit).
Live is easy when it’s only black and white eh?
Are we at the point where we’re believing the word of random people from Hamas? Of course they blamed it on Israel. What kind of a new source repeats these claims without any factual checks?
You’re getting downvoted, but you’re right.
According to Andrew Gilligan, the Middle East Monitor promotes a strongly pro-Muslim Brotherhood and pro-Hamas viewpoint. Anshel Pfeffer described MEMO as a “conspiracy theory-peddling anti-Israel organisation”.
MEMO is regarded as an outlet for the Muslim Brotherhood and its website strongly promotes pro-Hamas related content.
MEMO is financed by the State of Qatar. It is led by Daud Abdullah, former assistant secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain and the current director of British Muslim Initiative.
I don’t get why this source is allowed to be posted here.