One in every ten pregnancies in the US ends in a miscarriage, a common medical event for which there are safe and effective treatments should there be complications. But over the past two years, having a miscarriage in many states has become far more dangerous, thanks in part to the Supreme Court’s 2022 Dobbs decision overturning Roe v Wade.

Thirteen states have passed total abortion bans. Four others ban abortion after six weeks—a de facto ban. These laws have resulted in a rash of horror stories—not about the anticipated illegal backroom abortion deaths, but about ordinary women having ordinary but occasionally life-threatening pregnancy complications, while hospitals and doctors refuse to treat them for fear of being prosecuted.

Among the legion of GOP anti-abortion politicians in the US who’ve helped create this carnage, there is one you might expect to have some sympathy for the suffering of these women: Vice presidential candidate and Ohio Senator JD Vance. On the surface, the politician who denigrated Democrats as the party of “childless cat ladies” and suggested that “the whole purpose of the postmenopausal female, in theory,” was to take care of children, would not be an obvious softie for the victims of policies that have left women bleeding out in hospital restrooms. And yet, he might understand the situation better than many of his Republican colleagues.

  • Kalkaline
    706 months ago

    Yeah probably a terrible idea from multiple perspectives to deny women healthcare access to things like abortion.

  • Flying Squid
    326 months ago

    His “Mawmaw” sounded like a massive piece of shit, so maybe this is vengeance.

      216 months ago

      I think you are thinking of his mother. His mamaw told him she would love him even if he were gay. Which is basically the only thing I know about her so I guess it was possible she is shitty in other ways.

        • Cadeillac
          136 months ago

          “I’ll never forget the time I convinced myself that I was gay. I was eight or nine, maybe younger, and I stumbled upon a broadcast by some fire-and-brimstone preacher. The man spoke about the evils of homosexuals, how they had infiltrated our society, and how they were all destined for hell absent some serious repenting. At the time, the only thing I knew about gay men was that they preferred men to women. This described me perfectly: I disliked girls, and my best friend in the world was my buddy Bill. Oh no, I’m going to hell.”

          When he brought up the issue with his grandmother — known to Vance as “Mamaw” — she replied bluntly: “Don’t be a fucking idiot, how would you know that you’re gay?”

          When Vance explained his reasoning, she laughed.

          “JD, do you want to suck dicks?” she said, according to the book.

          The young Vance, apparently “flabbergasted,” said: “Of course not!”

          “Then you’re not gay. And even if you did want to suck dicks, that would be okay,” she replied. “God would still love you.”

          76 months ago

          Yeah that’s the story I meant. So it sounds to me like she was not really a piece of shit. At least not based on that story. At that time in rural America, telling a kid God would love them even if they were gay was about as progressive as you could expect.

      6 months ago

      Not really sure what you mean by that. Your link seems to show several slang terms for miscarriage before providing terms used by medical professionals

      • It isn’t a slang term, you dunce. It is the medical term that a doctor would file. The point is that abortion is a normal part of Healthcare and the obsession over politicians getting between a woman and her doctor is dangerous.

        Pregnancy is the most dangerous part of a woman’s life. In fact, just over half of women who attained an abortion had previously had a live birth. Overturning Roe v Wade just resulted in more women traveling during a vulnerable time in their life. It’s not anyone’s business what a woman does with her body - 98.5% of pregnancies are carried to term, so all of this is over less than 2% of the population

    6 months ago

    That 10% number is wildly wrong.

    That’s the low end of the estimated range which is actually 10% to 20% and the estimated ranges are all about known miscarriages. The rate also increases with age, it’s not some static number a person should expect.

    Countless other pregnancies end in miscarriage before women even know they’re pregnant.

    And in the dystopian future were headed for, they’ll be monitoring even for those unknown ones and jail em for murder.

  • Chaotic Entropy
    126 months ago

    A candidate espousing policies that would have probably killed his own mother. We have reached peak politics.

      16 months ago

      You could see this at the debate. He agreed verbally and with body movements (might be hard to know for sure) with many of the points Walz brought up but his paid positions wouldn’t allow him to simply go with the obvious. Like Obamacare. He made no case for getting rid of it, even talked about improving it, but said it’s still gotta go. And, of course, behind the scenes that’s exactly what they are trying to do, kill it, despite anything that comes out of their mouth. They have nothing, Obamacare works, but they just want to destroy it. It must be difficult going against reality all the time. But not when you have an army of abused, controlled, drooling people voting for you.

    -16 months ago

    “Mamaw.” A great example of why I don’t like the south. “Peepaw” and a “pop-pop” are others that I heard when my family lived there when I was a child.