The number of Palestinians killed in the yearlong war in Gaza has passed 43,000, more than half of them women and children, the Palestinian Health Ministry said Monday.
The tally includes 96 dead who arrived at hospitals in Gaza over the past two days, the ministry said. Israeli troops have launched an ongoing operation in northern Gaza that included a raid on a hospital over the weekend. The military said it detained 100 suspected Hamas militants in a raid on Kamal Adwan Hospital in Beit Lahiya on Friday.
This is a very conservative estimate. Other studies estimate that the total dead is more than 200,000 by now, or 10% of Gaza’s population. And we should not forget the many, many people who are living with serious injuries from Israel’s attacks, or all the people slowly starving.
Please let’s keep in mind that health ministry = Palestinian government = hezbollah, so not exactly the most trustworthy source of information. Their endgame is pretty much world outrage against Israel.
Don’t get me wrong, I am disgusted by what that neonazi cunt of a country is doing in Palestine. I have no doubt that Israel is bombing, starving, executing civilians by the thousands. Fuck Israel sideways.
I am as far as it gets from an Israel apologist, but in the interest of intellectual honesty let’s keep that in mind.
Edit: Hamas not hezbollah wtf was I thinking
Okay for starters Hezbollah is Lebanon’s militant group that has nothing to do directly with Hamas & Palestine aside from being loose allies.
More importantly though, Hamas was elected into power in Gaza, they are the local government.
Putting “Hamas run” in front of anything would be like saying “Democratic run USA”, it’s been overwhelmingly used as a way to discredit Gaza in reporting.
Most international sources have said that the ministry’s statistics are accurate, including both the UN and WHO. If anything they actually stated it is underreported because it doesn’t include estimates from starvation and inaccessible/lost bodies (ie no confirmation).
And no their endgame isn’t world outrage, Israel actually did a pretty good job of preventing that for 70+ years. They’re just Palestinians who want their land back after being shoved into an open air prison for existing.
Just people that want their land back that massacred innocent israelis and have stated that they won’t stop until the extinction of all Jews.
Fuck me I meant hamas obviously sorry for the confusion. All the news are about hezbollah nowadays so I had a brain fart.
With that said- Hamas was elected forever ago and has since abused and brainwashed their population, they don’t represent Palestine any more than Putin represents the Russian people, which is to say the least debatable. Of course it doesn’t help that Israel did absolutely nothing to be hated less.
Hamas=Palestine is what Israel wants you to think. That’s two millions of terrorists over there, what’s the harm in bombing them? Since when are we nice to terrorists? — don’t let your disgust for Israel play you into their hand.
As for their endgame - do you think Hamas did 7/10 in order to have land back? In what world was a massacre of civilians going to give them bargaining power? They baited Israel into behaving like monsters out in the open at the expense of their own population, and Israel bit hook line and sinker. That was Hamas’s objective and it worked.
Good job not addressing the main important point of the post you’re responding to, namely the absolute reliability of the Gaza Health Ministries numbers.
You try and throw uncertainty about the death toll by linking the Health Ministry to …Hezbollah… to try and discredit the numbers. The numbers that basically EVERYONE at this point (except for people who are biased to the point of any unwillingness to believe, you know, fucking reality) accepts as rock solid.
Actually address that point. It’s the basis for all of your comments in this thread. The foundation, if you will.
What are you even implying with this? That it wasn’t Hamas that did 7/10? That it isn’t Hamas that’s in charge of Gaza’s government? What did I say that’s not even worth replying with words?
Someone that confuses two entirely different governments, with two different armies , and two different fucking religions knows nothing about the region and doesn’t deserves words in any replies.
Correcting hezbollah/hamas after the fact still indicates your awareness or knowledge of the situation, regardless of any “I don’t know what I was thinking” you add in an edit.
Their endgame is pretty much world outrage against Israel.
I think you meant to say Hamas, not Hezbollah. That’s the government of Gaza. Their endgame is not outrage against Israel. It’s no Israel. ‘From river to the sea.’
Quote from hadith that can be found in the article 7 of the 1988 Hamas charter:
The Day of Judgment will not come until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say, ‘O Muslim, O servant of God, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.’ Only the Gharkad tree would not do that, because it is one of the trees of the Jews.