Doesn’t Dearborn have the most Arabs per capita in all the US?
Edit: yes indeed. Gee, I wonder why Tlaib did so well there. Truly a mystery. What’s next, Utah voting for Mormons more than any other state?
Dearborn has the proportionally largest Muslim population in the United States and the largest mosque in North America.,_Michigan#Ethnic_groups
It’s not just about being Arab. It’s about what she stands for
Jill Stein also did well in Dearborn. She got 18% of the vote. (Jill Stein is not Arab.)
Rashida Tlaib didn’t outperform Harris because people’s highest priority is Palestine (it really fucking isn’t). She outperformed Harris because she’s a progressive/socialist and people are sick and tired of the neoliberal status quo fucking them over.
Rashida Tlaib didn’t outperform Harris because people’s highest priority is Palestine (it really fucking isn’t)
You really don’t think that the city with the most Arabs per capita in the country (and probably all the Americas) had a particular axe to grind about Gaza?
No, I really don’t.
Michigan’s 12th Congressional District appears to top out at about 10% Arabs, at most. So no, they don’t in fact have enough influence to single-handedly cause a margin that large.
Source? Because my Wikipedia link says this:
The city’s population includes 40,000 Arab Americans. Per the 2000 census, Arab Americans totaled 29,181 or 29.85% of Dearborn’s population
And this BBC article from this year says it’s the first Arab majority city in the US.
my Wikipedia link
What link? The only thing you’ve linked is that BBC article.
Wikipedia’s page on the 12th Congressional District certainly doesn’t say that.
Anyway, I tried to find that information, but in the sites I found…
…the only relevant statistics I could find were for proxies like place of birth and language spoken at home.
Edit: I just realized you’re talking about Dearborn specifically, for some reason, even though that’s only part of Tlaib’s district and the voters in the rest of it also matter.
Edit: I just realized you’re talking about Dearborn specifically
Yes, because that’s that the article and topic of this thread is about.
It’s the district that elected her, not the city.
But this whole article is specifically referencing the vote count in Dearborn, not the overall vote for Tlaib or Harris.
And with the support they indirectly gave trump even more people will be slaughtered.
Not just in Palestine.
The right are warming up the bulldozers and digging mass graves.
On the one hand, yes. On the other hand, Dearborn was not going to be sufficient to make up the difference here, and I’m skeptical you could even extrapolate that trend out to Arab Americans across the country and come out with a different outcome. Post pandemic inflation and the billionaire capture of all of our communications and media decided this election years ago