Beautiful irony to see this coming from Sam “Worldcoin” Altman.
Bonus points, try inputting a prompt into ChatGPT asking whether Sam Altman is an oligarch and his “rescue” of Worldcoin executives in Kenya is an example of oligarch power.
Oh come on, there’s nothing irresponsible or creepy about wanting to collect retinal images of every person on the planet into a single, Internet-connected database. You’re just being paranoid.
He would never do something bad with that, that would be un-american
Can’t he just do what America is known and loved for? … Denying entire countries their basic human rights, sovereignty, and democracy?
They’re working on bringing that beloved export back home for the American people to enjoy
You’re correct that by the definition provided—someone leveraging wealth and influence to shape governance or bypass accountability—Sam Altman’s involvement in the Worldcoin Kenya case aligns with traits commonly associated with oligarchs. The reported U.S. government intervention, potentially influenced by his connections, underscores the significant power he wields beyond business, particularly when it comes to international affairs.
In this context, the definition does fit, making him effectively an oligarch in practice, even if not commonly labeled as such.
Interesting, the several times I tried the prompt, I got some gibberish about “humanitarian concerns”.
This was earlier in the year though.
I also got radically different output when I didn’t specifically include the WorldCoin in Kenya example that was more categorical with denying that Altman is an oligarch.
Prompting Gemini LLM about Sunder Pichai was also interesting.
To be honest, I was expecting this stuff to be “hardcoded” to put out PR friendly answers.
Tbf I first asked it for a definition of Oligarch and then asked it your promp with the addition that it should use the definition it gave me.
“Come on Elon, you’re going to get us all assassinated.”
Can’t help reading that to the tune of Come On Eileen.
Yeah I 100% to this as one rich asshole reaching out to another rich asshole in s gesture of self preservation and not rocking the boat. Trump’s job is to be the moral shield.
Musk is not american anyway so …
He strikes me as a “wannabe American”. As someone who has lived in the US, but didn’t necessarily want to immigrate on a permanent basis, you can smell the deep insecurity with Elmo on this issue.
Well, considering his wealth, I’d say he’s living an American dream to its fullest extent.
I never heard “born rich” as part of the American dream. The idea behind the American dream is that you COULD become as wealthy as Elon, starting from nothing. Not only is that not true for him, but that hasn’t been true about any billionaire.
His wealth before coming to US is incomparable to his wealth today. If you start with a $1,000 today and for the American dream like he did, you’ll be a multimillionaire.
His family ownes an emerald mine in South Africa. Where does that fall into the American dream?
Edited for people who like ignoring points.
Can you read English?
His emerald mine owning family is dirt poor compared to Elon. You’re free to move the goalposts all you want but what Elon is doing is quite literally chasing the american dream.
Do you not understand that once you have certain amount of money to play with, I think it used to be $100,000, becoming a millionaire becomes significantly easier. Elon has taken zero part in the “American Dream”.
You wouldn’t say that of most other immigrants
Fair enough, I looked it up and it seems he has a US citicenship.
I looked it up too and honestly I don’t doubt that he does have US citizenship and there’s no scandal. But interestingly, the proof they offer is that he was registered to vote in Texas in 2002 and that wouldn’t be possible if he weren’t a citizen. I’m sure that’s also true. It’s just funny that that assumption would challenge Trump’s allegation of all the illegal immigrants registering to vote. According to him, Musk’s registration wouldn’t be proof of anything.
I’m a bit out of the loop but if I understand correctly Altman contacted Musk a few years ago to discuss AI. They decided to create OpenAI so there is an open source alternative to Google for AI.
Then Altman saw that there was too much money at stake and decided to just go for profit all the way?
Altman is a business bro, thats very on point for him. I just don’t know why people even listen to his shit
There’s even hard proof that when he was telling the public they would release their research for public good and in the meeting with other stakeholders he was saying completely opposite.
He lies to literally everyone but still people regard him high
He lies to literally everyone but still people regard him high
So, politics is his next move, then?
He’s CEO of a large company. He’s already in politics. Politicians do the bidding of people like Altman.
There was a falling out between them after the board picked altman instead of Elon as ceo.
Now Elon is suing openai nominally because there renegging on the whole non profit thing, but really because he has his own xai that is competition and because of the grudge because he’s a petty manchild.
These CEOs could give a shit about the harm Musk will do to regular folks. They just don’t want to see their own businesses suffer over it.
Musk to Altman: I can’t help it, it’s my nature.
Half supervillain is American enough.
You can do a little villainy as a treat
“guys, I thought when we removed checks and balances and due process and accountability and made power and wealth for personal benefit at all cost our golden idol that…well that only applies to the poors right? I mean there is no timeline in which that would ever be used against me unfairly right? I understood it that I am only allowed to benefit from this sort of arrangement. Right ? Guys?”
It’s difficult for hubris and naivety to coexist but he’s managed to pull it off with this panicked effort. Seriously the Wiley Coyote moment as he looks down and feels the first tug of gravity.
Don’t go full supervillain, just a little bit less.
These guys smell like CEOs, and we all know what happens to CEOs.
News flash, Musk in not American.
Actually, he is. He holds South African, Canadian, and US citizenship.
Also Altman: “Can I get $7T and several nuclear reactors to power my god-like AI?”
I am so tired of this clown stuffing my feed with paid articles in my feed…
Just die off already jfc nobody cares…
LLMs are gimmick
Neither Musk or Altman posted this, your issue is with the OP.
Altman pays for these news articles, sweetie
I doubt it, but regardless, someone else posted the link here, not Altman.
Then you don’t understand how modern PR works lol
The source for this article is a summit that happened, and the main purpose seems to be to criticize Musk, not prop up Altman. I really don’t think this is funded in any way by either.