Another CEO named Thompson. You know what would be really funny?
Add 'em to the list.
Fuck Nestle.
Nestle huh? CEO huh?
Sounds like somebody needs to avoid the New York Hilton.
For some reason I feel like you’d need to be some crazy super soldier to get near Nestle. They take over entire countries water on a whim. I imagine they have a super fortress with traps and shit.
That’s just like, the new-hire complex. This guy doesn’t actually walk around where there’s traps and shit.
Dying in a pit with spears at the bottom is not cool, and accidents happen.
If you’ve got nothing left to lose…
Freedom’s just another word
If you say The Adjuster’s real name three times, while looking at the picture of the CEO of a piece of shit company, legend has it that they will appear again when said CEO is in NYC.
Speaking purely in aesthetical terms, that is the most punchable face I’ve seen in a minute.
Shooty McShootface?
Don’t let the new guy distract you. There used to be a different guy just before him.
Chief executed officer?
12/5… Just impeccable timing.
Triple D.