The recordings, featuring historic performances by artists such as Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald and Billie Holiday, have been made freely accessible to the public to “ensure the survival of these cultural materials for future generations to study and enjoy,” according to the Archive.
Which ironically (and predictably) may end up causing those cultural materials to not survive if the music labels win the lawsuit and crush the Internet Archive.
They do great work, but they really need to learn how to choose their fights better. Their archives would be safer if they were less eager to tilt at windmills unnecessarily. Let the EFF do that.
They’re sure taking a beating this year.
This is what we expected to happen. They should have not taunted the bear with that whole “library rental” model a few years back.
Now, an important resource is going to crumble under the weight of lawsuits because of one domino.
Yeah how dare anyone attempt to challenge the status quo for public benefit
No, how dare they do that while simultaneously carrying a precious archive of irreplaceable data with them.
A guy who goes to fight an armed mugger is a hero. If he’s carrying a baby with him while he does so he’s an idiot. Take the baby to safety and let someone else do the risky heroics.
Musicians need to write songs about how bad the recording industry is. Make a single. Bite the hand that feeds because that same hand is also slapping you.
I think George Michael’s Freedom hit that mark like three decades ago. Became a huge hit (one of my all-time favorite songs). Still hasn’t changed a thing because the execs don’t care as long as it sells, and they get their money.