
    173 months ago

    Note that fireworks are illegal in Massachusetts without a permit and certification, so you know there was some unsafe shit already happening in that house.

      • Tiefling IRL
        53 months ago

        Tons of apartments burn down in NYC every year because of it. Guess what happens when a Roman candle goes flying into someone’s bedroom 🙃

        NYPD doesn’t give a fuck though. They’re too busy playing Candy Crush in the subway.

          23 months ago

          Setting off fireworks near buildings, or aiming them into Windows, etc is not a safe way to behave. This is not the same thing as safely posessing, storing, and enjoying fireworks. Something which countless Americans manage to accomplish, regardless of local laws.

          Look into the news stories of fireworks accidents. It’s almost exclusively stupid people. Like, duh, Cleetus halfway through his twelfth beer managed to blow his arm off because he thought it would be a good idea to hold a mortar shell in his hand and light it. Big surprise.

        23 months ago

        No they’re making a joke about the TSA saying they caught a woman the other day with 71 fireworks in her luggage. Turns out it was an open box of black cats. Yes they’re illegal, yes she was wrong, But the image they release to the press had them laid out like a cocaine trafficking bust, when the actual fireworks in question were slightly more than glorified bang snaps.

      • masterofn001
        13 months ago

        I’m saying 82 ‘fireworks’

        I said nothing about legality.

        I specifically mentioned math.

        And how they categorized ‘fireworks’