Lockheed’s stock price fell because they missed on earnings. It’s batshit to think a new fighter coming out of China would be bad for Lockheed. 🤡
A 6th gen fighter coming out of China while the US can’t make their 5th gen fighter work properly certainly does look bad for Lockheed.
F22 is working just fine. The new planes from China seem like tech demonstrators, so a similar stage to X35 in 2000. So they could still have plenty of production problems ahead of them.
sure little buddy, you keep on coping there cause it’s adorable
Could you point to what issues your talking about? It’s hard to converse when you’re referring to vague vibes.
He just straight up doesn’t know what he’s talking about. The only thing you’ll ever get out of him is west bad, China, Russia & North Korea good.
Can just as well name his post lockheed stock drops after kindergarten teacher drinks water and it would be equally accurate.
awww you’re such a sour little muffin aren’t you
Not at all. Just lowering the guys expectations of having a genuine conversation. Feel free to prove me wrong 😘
The only one referring to vague vibes here is you bud. The disaster that is F22 is very well documented
- https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/21/magazine/f35-joint-strike-fighter-program.html
- https://www.twz.com/28659/air-force-admits-f-22-raptors-wont-hit-80-percent-mission-capable-target-on-time
- https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/air-forces-f-22-raptor-nightmare-explained-3-words-207364
On the other hand, China has consistently shown the ability to produce things that actually work.
Jfs has been a cluster, they wanted a VTOL jet that do everything, which physics doesn’t like. But with 15 years extra development, they kinda did it.
80% readiness is higher than most jets, my sources are actually showing loser, but still in line with other military jets.
A-10 Thunderbolt II (67 percent) and the F-16C (69 percent), while significantly outperforming air superiority fighters like the F-15C (33 percent) and F-22 (52 percent). https://www.sandboxx.us/news/why-media-coverage-of-the-f-35-repeatedly-misses-the-mark/
And is your third source just saying that the biggest problem with the F22 is that they want more of them? That hardly seems like a criticism of the plane itself.
Jfs has been a cluster, they wanted a VTOL jet that do everything, which physics doesn’t like. But with 15 years extra development, they kinda did it.
In the same way the Cybertruck is kind of a truck.
80% readiness is higher than most jets, my sources are actually showing loser, but still in line with other military jets.
80% is not the readiness of F22, but a target they can’t hit.
And is your third source just saying that the biggest problem with the F22 is that they want more of them? That hardly seems like a criticism of the plane itself.
It’s a criticism of the abysmal production capability showing that these things are artisanally made.
More advanced hardware from a country the US see as an adversary sounds like it should be great for the stock of Lockheed and Co., actually.
Maybe if there are no competitors. Even as monopolistic as the military aircraft industry is in the U.S., drones open up a lot of space for competition by being vastly cheaper.
Then there’s concern about long-term sales to foreign countries, plus the corresponding parts and maintenance revenues. The F-16 is flown by 25 other countries.
Cope how? I’m not a fan. The worst thing in the world for Lockheed would be if US’s adversaries decided they weren’t going to be designing any new weapons systems. Lockheed runs on fear of what’s next.
Lockheed model of sucking up taxes without producing anything only works when the US feels they have superiority over the adversaries. Now that it’s becoming clear this is not the case, there will be a push to actually have to produce things that work, and Lockheed isn’t good at doing that.
Where in the world are you getting that Lockheed stuff doesn’t work? SR71? F104? U2? F117? F22?
Oh man, I remember seeing this U2 in museum, it did a great job intercepting Soviet AD 😂 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1960_U-2_incident
You think the U2 was an intercepter?
And yet they have still been operational for 60 years after that… Funny that the U2 lasted longer than the Soviet Union.
The U-2 first flew in 1955. One was shot down over the USSR in 1960, and another was shot down over Cuba in 1962. They largely stopped flying over peer air defenses at that point.
That’s about a 7-year span where it was useful for its primary task. Hanging around to fly over Libya in 2011 is not the same as fulfilling the role the plane was designed for decades later.
as a museum piece
I’m not big into airframes but i think it’s a dieing artform making these jets. Some drone strapped to a pulse rocket will eventually make them all obsolete.
The same can be said for small arms I guess.
It’s more about sensors and communication, there’s no reason you can’t have f35 use drones and stuff. But the better plane will see and target the enemy first. And it can operate without GPS. In other words it’s better to have 3000 f35s flying missions plus a bunch of drones. Being able to deliver a lot of firepower first is a huge deal.
How do we know that the Chinese fighter jet is actually 6th gen and not say 5.999999… gen?
Also how are they stealing this tech from the future!
Strange that the analysis that this will decrease f35 demand. I guess they think it’ll switch to more ngad and less f35?
They’re saying that the military might shift focus to development of 6th gen fighters to catch up with China.
But Lockheed is a front runner for that too.
It’s in reference to international sales, I believe.
Why would they be impacted? What’s their competition?
Not sure the specifics, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there were countries interested in a next generation fighter jet, and is capable of buying from either the US or China.
I’m sure it’ll be just as successful at sucking up billions in taxes with nothing to show for it.
Producing literally hundreds of a single type of airplane with orders for the next decade or so isn’t exactly “nothing to show for”.
And even if you discount the actual sales, getting billions in development budget from the US government is pretty good for business.
I mean yeah, the purpose of these companies is to put taxes back into the pockets of billionaires instead of spending them on stuff they’re meant for like infrastructure, healthcare, education, and so on. That’s why majority Americans live like dogs.
Opposed to the Chinese corporations which are famously basically charity organizations?
What exactly is your point? Your moving goalposts to completely different planets.
It’s yogthos lol, can’t expect anything less my friend
China doesn’t use private sector for its military. Try to put a bit more work into your trolling.
Have you seen their performance in Iran recently? They seem really good air to ground.
You mean when Israel aborted the bulk of their attack because they got painted by radar?
No, I mean the one that took down nearly the entirety of Irans air defenses with less than 100 weapons.
send me a dm cause I have a bridge to sell you 😂
F35 is guaranteed to be better than a “6th generation” Chinese plane and they can be upgraded anyway. And it’s actually very successful now with a very cheap per plane cost.
I recently upgraded my stone axe with some flint. Those guys with bronze are doomed.