is this website ( safe to download courses from it? i found the course i want but i don’t know if it’s safe. anyone here have used before?
Mp4 files should be safe as long as you don’t have an outdated media player.
There always remains some risk though because exploits might not have been found yet or other issues
tks for the comment! yes i wanna download an Mp4 the media player im using is the one the is pre installed with windows.
Maybe try the most recent version of vlc if you want to be safer, I wasn’t really able to find the safest option online but you might find out how to be safer with mp4 files
you are the man dude! very much appreciate this!
But i don’t think i can stream that course on vlc i think i have to download it as a zip file and them watch it. Btw are you sure that you know the site im talking about? You may have misunderstood
You would be opening the files from the zip with vlc though is what I expected
Oh didn’t know that I can do that!!
Seems to be a pretty good website. Thanks :)
You can try checking the URL and file against the malware detectors at Still not an absolute guarantee of safety.
I know virus total and I know it’s not a guarantee of safety that’s why I am asking if Someone used it