Among the star-studded Super Bowl ads that viewers saw during Sunday’s game was an awkward 30-second spot, filmed vertically on an iPhone, in which the rapper Ye talks about his new teeth and instructs the audience to go to
As of the morning after the game, when they visited the site, shoppers could find exactly one item for sale: a white T-shirt emblazoned with a swastika.
Took a screenshot. Not happy about uploading a picture of a swastika, but wanted to capture it in case he backtracks.
::: spoiler
edit edit: apparently they took it down because they were concerned he wouldn’t ship, not because they enforce their own guidelines. I’d say “suck a dick, Shopify” but that would give blowjobs a bad name
Edit: The store is gone, good work everyone!
Whaaaaaaaaat the fuck. That is a Shopify store, and their terms of service explicitly stateYou can’t breach the social contract of commerce.
There are activities we don’t allow on the platform because they breach the social contract of commerce. This means you can’t call for, or threaten, violence against specific people or groups. And you can’t sell products that facilitate intentional self-harm.~~
~~Pretty sure this shirt calls for violence against Jewish people. Anyone who cares to join me in reporting it can do so here:
It’s been taken down now.
Hell yeah, talk about collective action! I’m sure the reports from this thread weren’t the only ones, and it was probably already under review, but every pebble counts in a landslide. Thanks for letting all of us know 😊
I was able to find and report the same item in the Shop app, within the “YZY” store.
Nice, thanks for you contribution! 🙌
calls for violence against Jewish people
Considering that anti semitism is sadly cool again …
I mean there is def an uptick, but lets make sure we’re not conflating anti-Israel/anti-zionism/anti-genoside with anti-semitism.
Who did that in this thread?
It always has for white supremacists, but recently Trump and Musk have emboldened them. They are no longer hiding behind dog whistles, they’re now seig heiling enthusiastically in public
They are still the minority, anti-fascism is needed now more than ever. Nazi’s should never feel safe expressing their racist ideologies in public
Well, “criticizing Israel’s government for committing a genocide” anti semitism is still bad. But “being a fucking Nazi” antisemitism is fine /s
Thank you for your sacrifice, current site:
Boy, that HH-01 product description is a really great touch. Fucking shit.
Only if they had 88 products would that be any more on the nose.
To think I’d upvote a swastika picture… but here we are.
Oh to be so rich that getting high at the dentist could result in buying superbowl ad space and shooting said ad immediately on selfie cam.
I probably wouldn’t use the ad space to sell a mega basic Nazi t-shirt though…
Getting high at the dentist is very profitable if you’re a terrible person. It resulted in L. Ron Hubbard starting Scientology.
And the Beatles first LSD trip!
I don’t know that they were/are all terrible people. John Lennon was though. George seemed like an okay guy.
I met him on an aircraft a couple of months ago. He seemed so scared to be recognized. I said nothing to respect other passengers and the flight attendants but I’d have loved to have called him a nazi. Btw the flight was headed to Dubai.
Edit: I recognized him because he asked the flight attendants how to connect to the internet (you simply connect to the WiFi and you’re done??). His brain is cooked
Should a done it man. Shame these fucks.
Isn’t he wealthy enough to fly privately anywhere?
For some reason people stopped buying his products. It’s a mystery really.
Is it made in America though?
Some people in America will get upset if it isn’t.
As of 2025, a 30-second Super Bowl commercial costs $8 million
And the worst part is, I have no trouble believing he’s going to make a profit from it.
What a weird timeline we live in where a black man can make money selling half a million Nazi t-shirts to football fans.
Assuming the shirts are print on demand, there’s a tiny amount of profit in that. I’m betting he just flushed 8 million down the toilet.
I have figured it out. Kanye West is actually Andy Kaufman and this is his final troll.
Would be real sad if a DDOS happened to a yeezy. What a fucking nut job this freak is.
If anything says pure aryan blood, it’s definitely not Kanye.
The Nazis considered the putative “Aryan race” a superior “master race” with Germanic peoples as representative of Nordic race being best branch, and they considered Jews, mixed-race people, Slavs, Romani, Black People, and certain other ethnicities racially inferior subhumans, whose members were only suitable for slave labor and extermination.
We’re so close to the plot of iron sky
When he was on the donda he was pretty cool But he became an idiot after all that
It was pretty shameful
No. Sorry. You don’t just become a Nazi. He was just better at hiding it.
Come on, that’s fucking stupid. You think Nazis are born that way? Of course people become Nazis, and it’s happening more and more.
Kanye West was in his 40s when Donda came out four years ago. Do you think he just started hating Jews and loving Hitler within that brief amount of time or do you think he’s been this way for a hell of a lot longer?
Because maybe I didn’t put it as artfully as I should have, but that’s what I meant.
You really think he isnt just out for attention?
When someone tells you they love Hitler, believe them.
Sure if you dont care about being correct, skip any sort of thought process that suits you.
Why do I need to come up with reasons why someone who says they love Hitler doesn’t actually love Hitler?
tl;dr: Yes you can become a Nazi, if the seed is there to begin with.
Everyone has dark thoughts and urges deep in their heart, and everyone has biases and prejudices to overcome. Most of us are able to balance and control these things. We learn and grow, see our own faulty reasoning over time, and allow compassion and empathy to see others as we see ourselves. I think Kanye is an example of wealth allowing unregulated behavior, combined with spiraling mental health, to amplify those prejudices and dark thoughts into twisted new beliefs.
I’m not trying to make excuses for Mr West. His behavior is reprehensible. I can also see how someone who is already borderline narcissistic gets their pride reinforced through creative success. I can see how a man who is part of an oppressed minority would be suspicious of those with more power and influence. And i can see how those factors could be amplified as that person becomes wealthier, more successful in their pursuits, and less beholden to other’s social mores.
I think conservatorships are problematic and easily abused. I also think Kanye needs the boundaries a conservatorship could place on him. He’s obviously unwell. I know him, because I have a friend just like him, only poor. My friend doesn’t blame “the Jews”, but they are not happy, even when well medicated. And when they spiral, it’s ugly
BTW, I don’t always agree with you Squid, but I’m still glad you escaped the US. Wishing you and your family the best
I didn’t phrase it like I meant to. I was trying to suggest that he didn’t just suddenly become a Nazi in the four years since that album came out.
His mental illness doesn’t excuse it, but the guy is legit crazy. He def could have started spiraling out at any point and went down an anti-semitism rabbit hole and just went full Nazi then. My guess would be around the time he first started talking publicly about Jewish people was about the time that occurred.
Could I offer an alternative viewpoint? I don’t know if it’s true, and if it is I don’t know if it’s better or worse. His style of ‘music’ holds no interest for me, and I know nothing more than what I have read about him, so I could be wildly off base.
As many have pointed out, he might well have a mental health issue, but is it not also possible that he is, and always has been, just totally amoral and has seen which way the wind is blowing? He seems to have sonewhat list relevance recently, and fixating on, and loudly proclaiming your hatred of, a chosen ‘other’ group may seem like a good way to get back into the centre of attention and curry favour with those in power.
I don’t think that would be any better than him being a dyed-in-the-wool Nazi, as functionally it means he is one, but might explain a rapid appearance his Nazism.
He’s been doing this Hitler thing for years now and do not use his bipolar disorder as an excuse for Nazism. It’s no better than people using Elon’s (self-diagnosed) autism for the Hitler salute.
Being bipolar is not the same as not knowing right from wrong.
Yeah, I don’t think he gets a pass by blaming his behaviour on mental health issues, but a lot of people bring it up. I watch people like him, and I’m fairly convinced they don’t have the principals to actually, deep down, be Nazis, they’re too vain, too self-centred and too desperate for power of any sort. That doesn’t mean they won’t fly that particular flag if they think it’ll bring them what they want, or that they wont cheer on the harm it brings to others if they think it gets them closer to power. Functionally, you can treat them as Nazis, traitors and whatever else they align themselves with. With luck they will reap the consequences of that.
but a lot of people bring it up.
… Smart people!
Oh i didnt know you are an expert in Nazism Mr. Nazi detector But he was a cool guy at those times Ive did read some of your comments so i dont really care what you do say because you seem like a troll or even worse
Yeah, having a large portion of your family tree culled by Nazis in Germany and having been assaulted many times by Nazis in America, I do feel like I’m an expert in it.
Lucky you that you are not.
Calling Nazis Nazis is trolling?
Junya Swastikanabe on my shirt