No shit
They’re a publicly-traded company.
All of them, without any exceptions, place profit above literally anything.
A private company at least can place some things above profit, if the owner has principles. But when you’re a public company with countless shareholders, any stated or perceived ethics or morals are only there for the PR to drive profits higher or because it’s enforced by law. No exceptions.
We need a new system where profit is generated by the good you do in this world. I fucking hate the current system.
Yeah ofc, it’s another way of funding a company and the investors want their return on investment as well. Our savings, pensions, index funds etc are also investing in these publicly traded companies and we also want whatever roi we can get.
Governments just need to do their fucking job to prevent ani consumerism. But considering there are still a lot of people defending stupid rules and regulations (especially about anti consumer practises in the US) I doubt it will change anytime soon.
I swear to fuck… if i read one more article about people being surprised by lifesucking capitalist hell corporations being lifesucking capitalist hell corporations… i will leave another angry comment.
Aaaaaaah fuck!
Just a slight positive spin on this. I mean, I get it. Just like all of you I read this headline and say, no shit.
But its good these articles are out there. Its not for you and me. It’s for the average person who doesn’t think about this and is blissfully unaware.
Yeah, I can argue they should care and all that, but that’s pointless. This is a sign that the average person is becoming more aware, and the status quo can change.
We all have those friends and family that we wish would…just do things differently. Maybe they will now, or soon.
Just think, wouldn’t it be great if your “arguments” with your family are over messaging each other over SimpleX instead of Signal?
Yep, totally agree - it’s just getting awareness up.
When I start explaining this to friends & family they give me the same blank look that I gave them when they talk about nutrition & exercise…
Came here to say “No shit, what else is new” but you’re absolutely right, this is for people who don’t follow tech news.
Nahhhhh really? Who would’ve thought that the publicly traded corporation only cares about the money? What a shocker honestly
I feel like Google would tell you the same thing if asked.
Don’t be evil
They’re just now figuring this out?
Surprised Pikachu face.
I gotchu fam:
Me waiting for the part we didn’t already know.
: |
Google prioritizing profits over the privacy of its users? Colour be shocked.
Seriously thought, is there anything at all that they prioritize over the privacy of its users at this point?
Maybe if they reframe the headline: “Shock: One of the worlds richest companies chooses to make money rather than respec… Oh nevermind i see it now”
Colour me shocked, water is wet!
Well I am shocked SHOCKED I say…well…not that shocked.
How many times have I used that phrase since November, I feel like a lot LMFAO
Who are these critics and why is the BBC interviewing people who were born yesterday /s
Bro… Nowadays if you don’t permit fingerprinting half the internet just does not work.
It has been like this for a few years. But you don’t really see it until you try to resist.
This behaviour is Harvey Weinstein vibes… But somehow people got conditioned that this is acceptable behaviour because corporate is doing and you agreed in the ToS that Sundar the creep can fuck your wife.
You wouldn’t want to breach terms of this law full contract now, boy, would you?!
I don’t know what half of the internet you use but my shit works perfectly fine when using ad blockers (which I assume also blocks fingerprinting?)
ad blocking in of itself does not block finger printing.
install noscrypt and block all that java script along with jshelter on privacy focused FF fork, please report back your experience to the class haha
It all works fine for me with ad/ tracking blockers, browser based blockers, noscript, ublock origin, etc, even geoip blocking for anything inbound
I guess I use different sites…
The point is that while there are definitely downsides, there are also fairly painless ways to use fingerprint blocking on reputable browsers, and that it doesn’t “break half the internet” it just might have a slight learning curve. Just because something isn’t just plug it in and forget doesn’t mean it doesn’t work or isn’t accessible.