Now is the best time for everyone to make the switch to osm based map apps like OsmAnd; especially with the disinformation and mislabeling that Google and Apple are spreading.
I’ve been using OsmAnd~ from FDroid, and it’s the first time in a long time that I’ve felt something close to feature overload. Between the modes, all the settings per mode, different map layers and sources, all the plugins, and ability to edit maps… that thing feels more like a GIS app than a maps app 😄
OpenStreetMap itself also has a map with wiki-style feature edition history and comments.
Thanks for the suggestion! I have Maps.ME on my droid. Adding this to my list to use.
I mean Tim, if you wanted me to stop using maps you could have just asked, you didn’t need to insert ads.
Yeah no shit not everyone’s onboard. How the fuck does this help anyone except the apple C-suites?
FFS why does EVERYTHING need to have ads?! Isn’t Apple revenue good enough? Is there such a thing as “good enough” anymore?