God save the king. Drunk on power, Donald Trump spent Saturday afternoon before adoring fans, boasting of his victories, taunting his enemies and casting himself as America’s absolute monarch, supreme leader and divine emperor rolled into one.
Trump’s appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at the National Harbor in Maryland began with country singer Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA and raucous cheers in a crowded ballroom that included January 6 insurrectionists.
Seventy-five minutes later, it concluded with the US president standing between two stars-and-stripes flags, pumping his fists and swaying to the Village People’s anthem YMCA.
What emerged in between was a man who has never felt so sure of himself, so contemptuous of his foes and so convinced of his righteous mission to make America great again, even if it means breaking china, cracking skulls and leaving global destruction in his wake.
Donald Trump
swaying to the Village People’s anthem YMCA.
Wait…what now? I don’t listen to them and am pretty out-of-touch with music/fan-identity stuff, but aren’t the Village People a gay-themed thing?
Huh. Apparently so. Not just me who is puzzled.
Just what, exactly, is going on with Village People? And why are they performing at Trump events?
The decision to perform at Trump’s inauguration incurred the wrath of fans, especially as “Y.M.C.A” and other songs by the band have been embraced as queer anthems.
One angry fan wrote on X: “What a f**king, ungrateful, pathetic sellout! If it wasn’t for the LGBTQ community, the Village People wouldn’t have gained such popularity and “YMCA” wouldn’t have become such a mega hit.”
“No surprise that this guy happens to be the ONLY original group member who WASN’T gay,” they continued, referring to Willis.
Another said: “You would think that as a band founded and focused around queer culture, you’d have a little more respect for queer people. Not to mention a backbone, for yourself.”
To understand what’s currently going on with Village People, and how they ended up performing for a President-elect famous for his “grim” anti-LGBTQ+ views, it’s helpful to look at where they came from.
Jim Newman, a former member of the band for eight years, put out a video on Threads expressing his disappointment at the current version of the Village People.
“The Village People that were around for about 40 years had a strong, loyal gay following,” he said. “There was a lawsuit about four years ago, they took away the name Village People from our band, the band that had been around forever, a lot of originals still in the band, and they gave it to an ex-member who was fired a couple years in. And he started a new group, and that is the Village People that performs. Or Village People would never ever perform at a Trump rally, we would never give him the right to use those songs, and we would never slap the face of the strong, especially gay audience that made us who we are today.”
He’s probably bored with hetero sex and is now gay curious. You can tell by their projection.
Or it’s just a song he liked a lot back in the 70s and still thinks it is 1978 because of dementia.
It blows my mind that they use a song from The Village People…isn’t ymca basically a gay anthem? Why don’t they play some Nell Young, or maybe Born in the USA by the Boss?
I think he’s basically down to whatever songs the rights owner haven’t threaten to sue if he uses it.
Why Neil Young? He literally pulled his music off Spotify because he was so pissed at them platforming Rogan. Dude’s about as anti-Trump as you can get.
Also, basically same deal with Springsteen. Dude is very progressive and definitely not a Trump fan.
I guess it should have put /s after the last sentence. I was suggesting other songs or Singers that are against their values or ideals.
If you listen to the lyrics of Born in the USA (or Glory Days for that matter), they don’t actually say good things about America. The first describes someone returning from the Vietnam war, and comes back to a dead end existence. The second is about people who peaked in high school. Tho apt in both cases, I don’t think that’s the message they would want to be putting out there, even if Springsteen allowed them to be used as MAGA anthems.
They are perfect MAGA anthems tho 😉
I should have put /s after the last sentence…
It sounds like one of the members of YMCA is a dipshit who insists it is not a gay anthem, and has been able to legally take the rights to the song and YMCA from the original members.
Apparently The Village People have denied it being a gay anthem and fully support Trump’s use of the song.
Lead singer Victor Willis is the only one left from the original group.
Trump’s just trying to rewrite history using that song.
The leather-clad biker character with a horseshoe mustache has also become a widespread pop culture icon associated with gay culture, and “Y.M.C.A.” has become an anthem of the LGBTQ community. According to Jack Fritscher, Jacques Morali drew his inspiration for the character from the dress code of the gay BDSM leather bar and sex club The Mineshaft. Leather man Hughes frequented the club.
I had know idea.
It’s called projection.
Dan Scavino, a Trump golf caddie turned White House deputy chief of staff, described his boss as “the greatest host in America”. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a former White House press secretary, said Trump is “maybe the most popular human on the face of the planet right now”, adding: “He doesn’t sleep. He doesn’t expect anyone to sleep either. He’s twice my age and has twice my energy.”
Mike Waltz, the national security adviser, confirmed that Trump works 21 or 22 hours a day and, along with the interior secretary, Doug Burgum, confidently forecast that Trump would receive the Nobel peace prize for his
capitulation to Vladimir Putinmasterful negotiations with Russia and Ukraine.reminds me of this article, https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-white-house-drugs-speed-xanax-1234979503/
I may need some Xanax myself, the way things are going.
Edit: Xanax is one of the main drugs listed in the article as given out to the Trump 45 team.
Sounds like the shit NK says about the Kims.
What the fuck, does that cunt Sanders think we really believe Trump has that much energy. Tnis same Trump that couldn’t stay awake in court and shows deep signs of Dementia?
They’re so far up each other’s asses and whacked outta their gourds on whatever drugs that they’re honestly out of touch with reality. Gonna be a cold, cruel morning when the light of day finally reaches them.
Diaper don has shit for brains and so do all his followers!