Google is trying something new on the search feed
TWO YEARS LATER: Perspectives will be shut down …
Two years is too generous. 6 months later unofficially dropped support, 1 year later introduce some stupid redesign and some functionality that lowers user experience, and then 2 years later is merged with some other random Google service.
2 years later… “Good news! Perspective has now been organically merged with Google Search”
If people are looking for alternatives that won’t be shut down, you… recommend they look to Google!? Ahahahahaha!
Seriously, the graveyard is pretty extensive:
I’m still bitter that they killed Inbox. It was superior to Gmail in every way.
It really was. I miss inbox.
Oh man, I knew there were a lot but I had no idea.
I remember when Google Wave was demo’ed to a live audience, there were audible ooohs and aaahs from the crowd. It was such a mindblowing idea 14 years ago, shame it never really got off the ground.
Two things killed it.
First, it was a slow resource hog. Second, it was productivity software at a time when work IM was hard to get people to use.
Google wave wasn’t really killed. It’s functionality is pretty much built into google docs.
And they won’t stop until they kill killedbygoogle by having it run out of storage space.
Guys we swear this time is different. We are totally going to stick with it
“Google, thanks for inviting us all to the launch of perspectives! What are your goals with this new platform?”
“Perspectives? Perspectives on what? Who are you people? how did you get in here? Would you like to hear more about our new weekly meat-delivery service?”
“oh. . . . Uhm, sure. . . . Where is your product sourced from?”
“where is what sourced from?”
It’s real this time time, gais, promisssss
How long until Google gives up and shuts it down? Place yer bets!!!
I bet 3 upvotes and one Mastodon follow, it’s killed off in less then 5 years
I’ll be your third upvote. For less than 3.
I knew this was going to be the top comment and I’m hereffor it!
Google, a company you can trust. A company that thought the phrase ‘Don’t be evil’ didn’t fit anymore.
It’s still in their code of conduct, though. Got moved to the bottom.
I remember when they took it off. They probably brought it back because it was giving them a bad image.
They never took it off. That was an Internet meme. They just never did.
You’re right, I checked here, and they always moved the line. Feels strange to see how our memories can trick us.
I remember people saying that too. Then someone on reddit pointed out that they had moved it to the bottom quietly before the whole rexxit thing. Not sure how to interpret it being removed, added back and moved discretely. But as they say in Camp Cretaceous, “at least…” it’s in there somewhere.
I looked for more info, and you’re right. Strange, because I can remember it clearly. Was I a victim of the mandela effect?
Nah, no Mandela effect here. Just businesses being sneaky about appearing honest.
Ahh ok that makes me feel better
Well yeah, if they were truly going to follow the “don’t be evil” motto they’d have to give up capitalism, which ain’t gonna happen.
Neat, another service that Google will inexplicably kill in anywhere from 6 months to five years time.
And hiring people up to the last second. Last few hires probably barely have time to sell their old apartment and pack their families on the plane to California before being laid off.
I give it a year before it’s shut down. This is Google, after all.
!remindme 1 yr
oh wait
@artisanrox @lostwonder @Thalestr Well someone needs to build this ASAP. I miss it.
I wonder if bots like that are possible in the fediverse?
I believe they 100% are but i have no idea how the Lemmy or Kbin APIs are
Man, deleting my reminders felt almost as final as deleting the account itself
Start the clock.
It’ll be folded into some sort of AI thingy within a year, for sure.
AI is this year’s blockchain.
Google does not really offer a space where people can come together to create communities or discussion threads. However, with the introduction of Perspectives, it may do so later.
So—despite the dumbass title (article’s fault, not OP’s)—explicitly not an alternative to Reddit, where literally the whole point is to create communities and discussion threads.
I do love the “it may do so later” part. It reads like the journalist was writing this via speech-to-text from the shower, just rambling off whatever thoughts came to mind.
Google’s infamous graveyard makes it seem like they’re just a bored university student that can’t ever finish its side projects.
Numerous employees and former employees have written extensively on this. The metrics employees are evaluated on for raises and promotions highly encourages people to start new projects and move on from them before they are complete, and significantly disincentivises anyone from doing upkeep or bug fixes.
Basically if you aren’t constantly working on making the “next big thing” you are seen as someone who is negative, stuck in the past, inflexible, and not a contributing team player.
It sounds pretty toxic tbh.
That sounds awful lol. I’m in university right now and have neglected work on any projects. I finally found something of a passion in retro game reverse engineering a few months ago and have obsessed over it. It’s only one game I’m reversing though so it’s likely to take me years and years before I can release anything resembling something playable.
You’ve now scared me into maybe working on other things too…I wonder if related projects count? A website for the project, developer tools, documentation, etc.
This will be saving you typing in +reddit +stackspace on searches. Still the same results.
Wish they’d include a -pinterest option.
seems to work for me.
Thanks I hate it.
Invent the problem, then sell the solution.
Just fix search that you intentionally broke so that it returns all relevant results, inhumane cowards.
Ah yes, cause the problem by promoting SEO websites with machine generated content, then sell the solution! Splendid!
Microsoft Antivirus, second generation.
This implies other feeds from google arent from humans.
Every time i search for something nowadays, the first results i get are always AI-generated articles that regurgitate other articles in the least useful and uninformative way as possible in an effort to show you ads. Robosites (a word i just came up with) and SEO have ruined Google.
I would trust a google product any further than I could throw a single one of their servers. Well except for gmail. That one has been around a while.
A newer way to harvest data for them, I’m sure.
I maintain the only reason Google ever shut any product down was because they weren’t able to extract useful data from it fast enough. It’s the only reason any of their products exist.
For many of the services they shut down, they accomplished what they wanted.
Sometimes, the purpose isn’t to create a shiny new product people enjoy and will pay for
Sometimes, the purpose is to create competition for a product you don’t like, make sure they fail by having a decent competing offering, and then shutting the offering down when the threat of competition has passed
Google + being a prime example? /s
This sounds like they’re copying Brave Discussions, which is basically just giving a little box with only reddit results near the top.
It’s definitely not an alternative to reddit or even its own platform. It sounds like just another conditional algorithm update, but I haven’t seen it yet.