The real crime here is downloading Chrome.
Firefox, for privacy protection.
I’m also greatly concerned by the Chromium engine supremacy on the Internet.
There are interesting privacy-focused Chromium-based browsers but I still refuse to use them. Google shouldn’t have a near-monopoly on web rendering engines and on web “standards”. Firefox is the only proper competition I can get behind.
Firefox is great, but :has (a CSS selector supported by WebKit but not Gecko) is starting to get a lot more popular.
Honest to god, the browser that wins is the one with the least bullshit popping up in my face when I open it
Firefox then?
Now with Mozilla VPN! Click here to connect and upgrade your account!
The containers UI is damn near unusable, they’ve squeezed so many of those “offers” into the tiny addon manager popup.
I wish Mozilla had management who understood their userbase. But instead they keep pulling this crap which only makes me (and likely most other power users) less likely to use Mozilla branded products.
LibreWolf. I don’t need to see “sponsored shortcuts”, recommended bullshit, abd Mozilla VPN ads when I open my browser. Firefox is by far superior to Chromium based alternatives but let’s not pretend Mozilla are saints when it comes to annoying bullshit in their browser.
That would probably be GNOME Web, because it literally does not pop up anything. Not on the first launch, not on any other launch.
But that’s really only helpful if you’re on Gnome, so Firefox, more likely.
These things aren’t mutally exclusive. Edge sucks even on this level
Being slightly forceful might work, but being too forceful has the opposite effect. I’ve seen a lot of people avoiding Edge not because of its technical demerits, or due to lack of knowledge, but because MS forces it so much down your throat that something “feels” off.
I recently installed Edge for a technical reason and was instantly grossed out by all the stupid bling they’ve added to it.
I’ve used it at work since it often is the only installed browser and it feels like it’s already infected by toolbars and other malware out of the box.
The new tab page reminds me of the weird ads you see at the bottom of tabloid websites.
As a sysadmin, if I’m ever told to not provide browser choices to my users, I’ll quit. It’s sad that your work pigeonholes you into a single choice.
Luckily on my actual work PC I can use whatever I want, but on other devices I’m forced to use Edge both because of restrictions on what I can install and because there’s a lot of internal applications that still rely on vbscript.
I recently installed Edge for a technical reason
was it playing around with bing’s AI chatbot? because I did it for that reason. all of ten minutes before getting bored at least.
No, it was to run Teams as a PWA on Linux.
On our company PCs we have both Edge and Chrome, after the latest Windows update a few days ago, every time I try to set Chrome as default browser, a window pops up saying something on the lines of “are you sure? please try out the fabulous Edge first, you might change your mind”.
That annoys me to no end, first we are in EU, where Microsoft has been fined in the past for not allowing a browser choice, second, we’re talking about Windows ENTERPRISE !!, keep that shit out of it, policies on PCs are decided at enterprise level, you can’t spam users about it.
And not only that, but the stupid front page with stupid irrelevant news, some of which are literal, blatant attempts at fraud - “[random B-celeb from your country] has a money making tip They don’t want you to know!” and that sort of shit - in the browser they relentlessly push, nag about or just “accidentally” reset as default every cunting week.
Dozens of popups, random notifications - like… why? What person with, I assume, at least half a brain stem in their head could possibly think these were good ideas?
“I don’t give a shit, show me the web page and shut the fuck up!” has turned into a mantra when I have to use Edge. That’s not good.
Somewhere there is a designer and or an engineer that was forced to make that stupid thing and they hated every minute of it.
Off topic but I love that people still remember Space Ghost Coast to Coast.
Tad Ghostal.
Nah, Microsoft devs are there for the money, not the passion, just like all the other big tech companies. They got paid, so they don’t care.
I mean, I’m a dev at a big company, and I would definitely feel gross about implementing this.
I’d still do it, cause I gotta pay my bills somehow, but I definitely wouldn’t enjoy it.
Fair enough. I worked at Facebook, Google, then LinkedIn, so I guess all the passion got drained from me until I quit and started working on my own product.
(LinkedIn was actually pretty good. I was working on an internal tool though.)
Honestly, fair point to you as well. I’ve been lucky enough to work at a company that does at least try to care about things. I imagine if these soul-sucking tasks were an everyday thing, I’d probably tone down the ol’ moral compass a bit just to get through.
That’s pretty likely, but there are plenty of crappy developers who are proud working on stuff that makes peoples’ lives shittier.
One of their choices should have been: "This survey is exactly the reason I am going to a different browser. "
Way too realistic, they don’t want to hear shit like that. Way too true.
Because they know what’ll happen. And they don’t want to have to address it at the next quarterly.
They really had the foresight not to add an “other” option. Says a lot
“My reason is not listed” is the same thing.
I was thinking more like an “Other” with a free input field
The Microsoft Edge marketing team is indicative of what’s wrong with Windows.
I’d say all of Microsoft, not just Windows.
MS is getting so thirsty it’s pathetic. All the Win 11 garbage and now this. It’s sad really.
I develop software that runs on Windows, so I have to use it to some degree. I would pay so much money for an officially-supported version that lets me cut out all the shit I don’t need and not deal with stupid thirst tricks. For the longest, I just ran Windows Server in a VM.
try Windows LTSC
Sadly only available for large corporations
^or ^the ^ports ^of ^the ^bay
Lemmy (as in the default frontend) requires an extra caret at the end of superscripts:
^or^ ^the^ ^ports^ ^of^ ^the^ ^bay^
not a bot, but at this point I might make one
Huh, looks fine to me
edit: checked in browser and yours looks fine in that, but in my app it adds an extra ^
Oh nice, another client-dependent formatting thing.
I might actually do that.
I always bypass ever launching Edge by installing with
winget install mozilla.firefox
Or just install Linux.
Everyday is the perfect time to switch to Linux and Firefox. Come back to computing!
I am awaiting my new SSD (already got 2 in there lmao) to dual boot into Linux Mint (though I suspect I won’t remain dual booted for long at current trajectory.
Who wants to use any product or service this desperate to try and keep you.
I have to use Windows for work, and every single day, I open Outlook and I’m greeted with “WE RESPECT YOUR PRIVACY, please share your data with us.” And every day I say “Don’t share optional data.” Clearly there’s a fucking problem here.
No you misunderstood, that’s “WE INSPECT YOUR PRIVACY”
But not Firefox? Lol
Chrome is where the market share is.
Also the 2 people per month downloading Firefox probably do it for privacy reasons, harder to convince them than a user using a Big Tech browser to use a different Big Tech browser.
Yeah, using Firefox is a real hassle compared to Edge or Chrome. It’s really only worth it if you’re hardcorde into privacy but barely usable for your average Joe /s
Come on, you gotta go all the way to, click the big download button and install it. What a chore ! Who would willingly do all of these three steps ?
Exactly! Chrome is just so much easier to install. All you have to do is go to, click the big download button and install it. So much easier!
with the added trust of Microsoft
That’s rich.
If you type your username into the android dialler, it has a easter egg
Yup! But I think it only works on stock dialer.
Desperate ex girlfriend, Microsoft.
I swear Microsoft, particularly the Windows and Edge divisions, have consultants on retainer directly from Hell - specialists in making things absolutely infuriating for no particularly good reason.