
Nearly 100 childhood sexual abuse allegations have emerged against the Mormon church (LDS) in California under a three-year legal window for adult survivors.

Multiple plaintiffs claim church leaders sexually abused them and that officials protected abusers rather than victims, handling cases as “matters of sin” without reporting to police.

Lawsuits allege an LDS “help line” suppressed abuse reports rather than aiding victims.

The church denies allegations, citing “discrepancies” in claims while asserting it takes abuse seriously and has prevention protocols in place.

  • ThePowerOfGeek
    9118 days ago

    The LDS Church is a sex cult that got out of control. And a sex cult that specifically focused on exploiting and abusing girls no less. So this shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.

    • snooggums
      3618 days ago

      I’m shocked 100 people were able to overcome the indoctrination and were able to make the allegations.

      2618 days ago

      Ex mormon here, and I had the same reaction. The shit that went on in that church is absolutely insane in retrospect. Like, it seemed “normal” at the time, but now looking back as an adult its all a bunch of “what the fuck” moments.

      Like that one time I was a 15 year old kid, getting asked by a church elder if I looked at porn as a “purity test”. I have no idea how mormonism is even legal.

        818 days ago

        I’m pretty sure bishops had a list of questions that they had to ask everyone in the 1-on-1 meetings. Concerning porn I distinctly remember

        Have you ever watched porn?


        When was the last time you watched porn?

        What threw me off though was even though I answered “no” to the first (I was lying of course, I straight jork it), they still asked the second with no hesitation. I’m saying “they” because I got the same porn questions from multiple bishops, like at least 3. I’m pretty certain it’s actual church policy. It’s basically involuntary confessions now that I think about it, fuckin weird. One straight up asked me if I was into his daughter though, pretty sure that wasn’t in the script haha.

      1518 days ago

      I promise you there are hundreds if not thousands more that are too afraid, or are so brainwashed that they believe to this day it was their fault.

    18 days ago

    Aah, traditions… Joseph Smith and Bring’em Young would be proud.

    For what it’s worth, here’s the list of teenage brides of those two holy pedos:

    • Teen Brides of Joseph Smith Jr.:

    Fanny Alger—16 (JSJ—27 ) Sarah Ann Whitney—17 (JSJ—36 ) Flora Ann Woodworth—16 (JSJ—37 ) Emily Dow Partridge—19 (JSJ—37 Lucy Walker—17 (JSJ—37 ) Sarah Lawrence—17 (JSJ—37 ) Maria Lawrence—19 (JSJ—37 ) Helen Mar Kimball—14 (JSJ—37 ) Melissa Lott—19 (JSJ—37 ) Nancy Mariah Winchester—14 (JSJ—37 )

    • Teen Brides of Brigham Young:

    Miriam Angeline Works—18 (BY—23 ) Harriet Elizabeth Cook —19 (BY—42 ) Clarissa Caroline Decker —15 (BY—42 ) Elizabeth Fairchild —16 (BY—43 ) Diana Chase —17 (BY—43 ) Emmeline Free —18 (BY—43 ) Ellen Rockwood —16 (BY—44 ) Mary Ann Turley —18 (BY—44 ) Lucy Bigelow —16 (BY—45 ) Mary Jane Bigelow —19 (BY—45 )

    3718 days ago

    You don’t say… It’s almost as if religious organizations have been predators and will continue to be predators.

    2018 days ago

    Abuse is going to happen In any organization that works with children (or adults even, anywhere there is the potential for power to be abused). It’s how your organization handles that abuse that matters.

    If the Catholic Church/Mormon Church/Jehovah’s Witness didn’t train their leadership to keep these allegations of abuse internal, if the policy was “when you hear allegations get the police involved” - these places wouldn’t become havens for these kinds of problems. They create cultures where they just move these bad actors around to hide the problem, which lets others know that they’re free to prey on kids.

    The Boy Scouts implemented the “rule of two” in response to their own lawsuits. You never have a child and an unrelated adult alone together.

    Ultimately though - there’s something about the religious aspect that also makes it easy for them to justify this. They think of these children as tempters, that [individual] is a really good guy but that kids going through something to make them act like that. There’s also the infinite mercy of Jesus which we can throw all sins at, so obviously the way [individual] broke down crying and said the Sinner’s Prayer with me is a sign that they’re better now.

      18 days ago

      Abuse is going to happen In any organization that works with children

      Abuse is going to be 10x worse in organizations that specialize in brainwashing and bigotry, emphasize hierarchy and cultivate secrecy.

      That’s why, while you’re correct, child abuse cases almost always come from cults (including the widely recognized cults we coyly call churches), sketchy historical children indoctrination outfits like the Scouts, much less often from schools, and rarely from pediatricians and other medical professionals.

        518 days ago

        rarely from pediatricians and other medical professionals

        There are huge issues with abuse in congregate care. “Troubled teen” facilities and inpatient facilities that care for foster or “unwanted” children. A “troubled teen” who is sexually abused can be written off as “manipulative” or lying for attention. (The requirements and pay for working in such facilities are both minimal.)

        “Dr.” Phil was cheered for sending several children to Turnabout Ranch - many children were sexually or physically abused there.

        The problem will occur any time there’s an imbalance of power and access to the vulnerable. Institutions that deal with children must face this fact and enact policies to protect children.

        218 days ago

        Plus, there’s a disincentive to take proactive action in religious institutions because that’s basically acknowledging that God isn’t actually as involved as they think.

    1718 days ago

    Abstinence makes the clergy grow fondlers

    The LDS setup a child SA hotline years ago to keep clergy from getting caught by the law when guilty of SA. Someone calls it and they say it’s covered under attorney-client if it’s a LDS attorney or theological confession protections if it’s LDS clergy or admin even if the law requires them to report SA to local LEO just like teachers or counselors.

    • Optional
      118 days ago

      You’d have to have people in office who cared.

      Anyone here in office?

      Anyone? . . . No?

      Well there you go.

    • hopesdead
      118 days ago

      You just reminded me of a joke from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. During the Ireland arc (“The Gangs Still in Ireland”, season 15 episode 6), Mac pursues an interest in becoming a Catholic priest. He ends up asking, in a vaguely worded question if it is okay to be gay. By the end, he basically nopes out when he realizes the priest was referring to relations with young boys.