Japan prepares regulation requiring Apple to allow sideloading::As the Digital Markets Act antitrust law passed in the European Union, Apple has until March 2024 to let users…
Having app developers be able to avoid Apples forced 30% fee is great. The fee is pure rent seeking masquerading as curation.
Their curation is terrible too. The app store has so much shovelware crap
legislation is expected to be sent to parliament next year and focuses on four areas: app stores and payments, search, browsers, and operating systems.
We also get Linux on iPhones??
And the talk is just about sideloading… :-)
Big if true. Apple owners might actually be owners of their devices.
lol right
Good luck getting any of the hardware to work properly without Apple’s help.
Based Japan once again. I would love to see other countries requiring this too, but I’m not going to hold my breath unfortunately.
I mean, the EU has already done this and now Japan is doing the same. So i guess it’s very well possible that other countries besides Japan will also follow suit.
Hehe Brussels effect go brrrr
I think India and Brazil have also made initial efforts.
sideloading would be nice; i have no idea how people can get proper work done on an ipad as of now (especially with apple at one point acting like it was only a matter of time for them to replace laptops). everything is so overly glossy and surface level and designed for children or the elderly; you can’t actually DO anything!
Even with side loading, you will still be pretty limited as the iPad is decently locked down. First of all it needs a decent window manager. That alone would go a long way.
But honestly, these things should be running full blown macOS when they are docked to a mouse and keyboard.
They had an 11” air at one point, so screen size can’t be the issue.
This could be the real “pro” iPhone. Running m3, acting as a phone by itself and throwing a full macOS with Office and Adobe Cloud apps when docked.
Yeah! Even if not an m3, the chip in the 15 pro is good enough for most people. If you really need more power then, get an m3.
I’d love if my phone was my computer in that way.
Yuh-huh! Just get a terminal emulator from the App Store. I will be just a few dollars a month. Then you can ssh into a Linux server you have somewhere.
See it’s an entire computer!
So a $1,200 thin client?
No you do not get it.
At Apple we make magical devices that are unlike anything done before. We have truly revolutionized computing with over priced hardware.
If you don’t have a Mac then you are not cool and not good at your job.
I’m just going to sit in the corner with my 4070 and be poor then. Sorry to not be cool! Also, my bubbles are green.
4070 and be poor
I mean yeah, you fell for nVidia’s scam.
That’s the point. They want people to use devices where information is given to them, but they can’t interact with it or give something back.
They literally want us scrolling tiktok all day before it’s time to get ready for work.
That’s also where the Web is now.
People are saying that Flash was bad and HTML5 with heavy JS and all the functionality of modern browsers is good.
Such people are either fine with it, or don’t understand that downsides of Flash (or Java applets, or whatever else) were defined by its advantages, which were much more important.
A lot of kids or young people with no particular interest in IT\CS\engineering would use Flash for animations or little cute things which made their simple, possible back then websites more alive. (I’ve just looked at such one site, abandoned with some trace of a resurrection attempt in 2019, and it’s gorgeous.)
You had to know less to make your own stuff in that old Web than you have to know now.
The Web is by its purpose a networked global hypertext system, a living library with common participation.
That some people want to repurpose it, think they’ve been successful at it, and think others will go along with their wishes, - is sad, but should have no weight.
I don’t take a laptop with me when I travel, because the iPad is more than enough for my work needs for a few days. Working with large spreadsheets is the only thing I absolutely need a computer for.
I have friends who are programmers and regularly work on just an iPad. As I understand it, they only need a computer for some more horsepower-hungry parts of their workflow.
The real problem with iPads is iPadOS. It’s intentionally gimped so you need a computer for some tasks. The iPad Pro has more than enough processing power and memory for full workloads (as well it should, given the price point), the OS is the restricting factor.
My iPad has basically become a YouTube machine. There are no useful productivity features, no file manager, and no good games coming out that aren’t already on PC with mods.
Back in 2013 I loved my iPad, but now I’m thinking of just getting a surface
What real work can even be done on any tablet that is not running desktop OS? I guess you could write stuff or edit spreadsheets, but that’s it.
“Write stuff” and “edit spreadsheets” covers 75% of corporate america.
Cool. This would be great. Hopefully a push to allow that in all other countries.
Now that’s what I’m talking about.
Life finds a way
Great, now force them to open up their NFC, so mobile banking apps can skip Apple Pay for their contactless payment feature
Usb-C, side loading, what’s next? APK or snap packages compatibility?
It’s happening guys, apple is start to a open source platform
I was against sideloading, because I’m in it for the walled garden and if governments were to use their own stalls to publish their apps, then, actually it doesn’t matter anymore! Our gov apps still invasive anyway, imo.
For the clueless, the particular app scans your face with various coloured screens being blasted through the phone screen, doesn’t matter if you have face ID enabled or not, its their own scan.
Power to sideloading.
You being paid by apple to fear monger about sideloading?
If you fear this, just leave the sideloading to others.
Wherever I ever see a comment complaining about sideloading, I just assume they’re an Apple financed marketing shill.
Even if they’re just a brainwashed moron, the argument is so stupid they deserve nothing but ridicule.
My biggest issue is cancelling recurring services. The Apple model requires that all your subscriptions appear on a pane of glass that you can notice if you signed up for a free trial and it’s been billing you $2.99/month because you wanted to read your kid Dr. Suess books on a flight when you were exhausted. Good luck figuring that out if you only have “$2.99 STRIPE BABELBOX INC” on your credit card bill.
Um, I said I believed before. I don’t believe it works anymore (walled garden). And that the government apps already doing this in the walled garden. Even said power to sideloading….
And I get downvoted to oblivion?
Probably also for the Q-Anon level lunacy with the government apps n stuff.
Sorry for wanting privacy then.
Wanting privacy is OK, and your link to the video on the face ID of the bank also helped explain what you where talking about.
It’s the way you wrote it that came across if you where some conspiracy nutcase and that causes downvotes.
Many people share concerns about the use and storage of PII by for profit companies and governments without any oversight on what actually happens with the data. It is good that waryness on who you provide what data to is Becoming more mainstream. I remember years ago people would look at me funny if I replied “no thank you” when asked my zip code in a store. Now a lot more people do it.
Your initial comment makes very little sense ( to me anyway)
Yeap its my mistake. Poor wording.
About 90% of my apps from fdroid. A Foss store that will do they’re best to ensure no anti or invasive features break through to my phone. I am certain that apple will have a similar store.
Yeah, I’ll even go as far as to say that because F-Droid apps are usually not for profit you get actually good apps without ads or trying to sell you anything.
They’re just an app that some dude found they needed and developed, and then made available for everyone else.
This is the most jarring difference I find when I go to the App Store, so a FOSS repository for iOS would be so huge.
And I’m sure of that. Suffice to say it doesn’t matter because Apple’s walled garden allowed the Gov’s invasive app regardless.
Just to be clear: it doesn’t matter because the walled garden sucked and didn’t work and I don’t mind a third party store anymore.
You guys downvoting me do realize that I’m fine with sideloading right?
Your first sentence, after the comma, should say “because I was in it…”. That was a bit confusing.
And then you went completely off the rails with some colored light government conspiracy stuff.
So I think that’s causing the downvotes.
Yeap that’s my bad.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=araYz3X2Q5g&pp=ygUac2luZ3Bhc3MgZmFjZSB2ZXJpZmljYXRpb24%3D 40 seconds in.
Yeah I know
That’s just financial apps using selfies for id verification. They’ve been doing that for years with crypto exchange apps.