I’m sick of random capitalisations mid sentence. I’m sick of common words being replaced by less common ones or even downright nonsense. I’m sick of it taking three attempts to successfully get the word I want. I swear it’s been like this for five years or more. Can we have a better version yet, or at least the old one back?

  • Th4tGuyII
    811 months ago

    Depends - I currently use Heliboard which doesn’t seem to have any problems as long as I stick to dictionary words.

    Samsung’s keyboard sucks though - not only would it miss obvious typos, if you made the same typo often enough, it’d start learning the “word” and autocorrecting the actual bloody spelling to the typo!
    (I had a habit of swaping the i and e in their, so of course Samsung decided “thier” was what I clearly meant to type)

    • @mister_monster@monero.town
      211 months ago

      Man, I’m using heliboard and it has the same problems openboard had and the same problems gboard has with regard to autocorrect. And it’s missing a lot of special characters, but I assume that’s a work in progress.

      You know what would really help the situation? You know how the spell checker underlines (or at least used to) incorrect words in red? It should underline corrected words in yellow or green or something. That way, when you’re going over what you’ve typed, the autocorrected gibberish won’t slip past you and will stand out. That would go a long way, but what would really improve it is if you could remove words from the dictionary that you don’t use, and go back to however the system worked 6 years ago because it was pretty light on the frustration.