All industrial users pay lower, because they’re able to apply economies of scale and locate themselves in places with lower power costs. Some of them are big enough that the utilities will build power lines and plants specifically to make electricity cheaper. It’s not just a matter of “oh, they’re rich, so we’ll charge them less.”
I do understand the basics of how this works but big and/or business is directly subsidized by taxpayer and rate payer at every corner. It is getting tiring seeing this clown show when large swathes of population living hand to mouth, month in, month out.
You would think this would make people realize where the money is going ;)
That’s the true point. How much is this really helping? I know as a private company they can do what they want but we need medical care, food security, and housing security. Nobody seems to give a rat’s ass about being the Tony Stark of public or cheap housing. The things we truly need are not mystical ecosystem locking Jarvis’s, but plain old reliable social services and other public services to lower the daily strain on the individual worker.
I use AIs for a variety of productive purposes. You may not, and that’s fine, but that’s just you. You can’t dismiss anything that you personally don’t have a use for as “wasteful.”
I use NFTs for a variety of productive purposes. You may not, and that’s fine, but that’s just you. You can’t dismiss anything that you personally don’t have a use for as “wasteful.”
I wasn’t. I pointed out that no significant blockchains used GPUs (especially not Ethereum, the main NFT-supporting blockchain, which has transitioned to proof-of-stake instead of proof-of-work). That puts them outside the question of “wastefulness” altogether, and irrelevant to the subject at hand.
We really need to tax energy used by GPU-burning projects differently. AI training, blockchain, whatever. Such a wasteful endeavour.
Fun fact they pay lower rate than households because fuxk you peasants ;)
All industrial users pay lower, because they’re able to apply economies of scale and locate themselves in places with lower power costs. Some of them are big enough that the utilities will build power lines and plants specifically to make electricity cheaper. It’s not just a matter of “oh, they’re rich, so we’ll charge them less.”
I do understand the basics of how this works but big and/or business is directly subsidized by taxpayer and rate payer at every corner. It is getting tiring seeing this clown show when large swathes of population living hand to mouth, month in, month out.
You would think this would make people realize where the money is going ;)
That’s the true point. How much is this really helping? I know as a private company they can do what they want but we need medical care, food security, and housing security. Nobody seems to give a rat’s ass about being the Tony Stark of public or cheap housing. The things we truly need are not mystical ecosystem locking Jarvis’s, but plain old reliable social services and other public services to lower the daily strain on the individual worker.
But have you heard about AI and another millennial billionaire progidy who will save us all sorry peasants?
Carbon tax, it was proposed so many years ago and it’s always been a good idea.
By now it should be a hard carbon budget and not a simple tax that can be dodged.
How would a budget be less dodgable than a tax?
Energy and water.
No significant blockchains use GPUs any more. As for AI training, that produces AIs. It’s not wasteful.
I use AIs for a variety of productive purposes. You may not, and that’s fine, but that’s just you. You can’t dismiss anything that you personally don’t have a use for as “wasteful.”
people still use nfts
Okay, so? NFTs aren’t AI, and they don’t use proof-of-work any more for that matter.
I use NFTs for a variety of productive purposes. You may not, and that’s fine, but that’s just you. You can’t dismiss anything that you personally don’t have a use for as “wasteful.”
I wasn’t. I pointed out that no significant blockchains used GPUs (especially not Ethereum, the main NFT-supporting blockchain, which has transitioned to proof-of-stake instead of proof-of-work). That puts them outside the question of “wastefulness” altogether, and irrelevant to the subject at hand.
“it’s not wasteful because now they’re only wasting less resources”