• @Son_of_dad@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    I’m confused. By all accounts Jerry and the entire cast came together to point out their hate for Trump and Republicans. But because he doesn’t agree with one issue he’s been labeled as a right winger? I’m so far left that young leftists think I’m too extreme, to the point where they call be right wing for disagreeing with every tiny thing they say. The young left have become the keepers of “right/wrong think”

    Edit: a lot of young people who call themselves left, are doing everything possible to push people away from the left, instead of making them allies.

    • @PolydoreSmith@lemmy.world
      111 months ago

      The “one issue” happens to be supporting a genocide, so it’s kind of a big one? I haven’t seen anyone calling him right-wing, but you can bet if cops were firing rubber bullets at peaceful student protesters under a republican administration, every lefty from NY to LA would be wringing their hands and crying “fascism”. The times they are a-changing my friend. It’s not just about left or right, and I’m glad these kids understand that.