Kyle Rittenhouse’s sister Faith is seeking $3,000 on a crowdfunding website in a bid to prevent the eviction of herself and her mother Wendy from their home, citing her “brother’s unwillingness to provide or contribute to our family.”

  • kn0wmad1c
    1629 months ago

    Kyle Rittenhouse’s sister Faith is seeking $3,000 on a crowdfunding website in a bid to prevent the eviction of herself and her mother Wendy from their home, citing her “brother’s unwillingness to provide or contribute to our family.”

    The piece of shit is being a total piece of shit? shocked pikachu

    • Cethin
      209 months ago

      While shitty, what does him helping them financially have to do with anything? He shouldn’t be responsible for them. There are many people in the US in worse situations, and they don’t get special treatment because, I guess, they aren’t family with a famous murderer.

        649 months ago

        well yeah, but like, if you get free money from people for shooting some guy at a protest, the least you could do is share some of that money with your family.

          • TrumpetX
            89 months ago

            It takes a vigilante to raze a village? That other way?

          129 months ago

          I’m imagining the family from Million Dollar Baby walking in from Disney World going “What do you mean you ain’t got any more of that shootin’ people money??”

          69 months ago

          Most of us struggle month to month, most of us dont attempt to leech blood money to unburden our struggle. Most of us don’t run to the media to cry about how our murderthing fascist familial connection isn’t letting us leech their blood money.

          If I was Kyle Rittenhouse, I wouldn’t give a single dime to the people who created Kyle Rittenhouse. They created an unlovable twerp, they shouldn’t profit from that.

      • fatalicus
        309 months ago

        In this case (according to the donation page), he is part of the reason they are in this mess, as his mom is unable to find employment since everyone thinks she drove him to the protest where he shot those people.

          39 months ago

          Although that sucks, I can’t blame people for naturally putting some fault on her even for the wrong reasons.

          I don’t think she should struggle but she did raise him. The punishment doesn’t fit the crime but imo parents should take responsibility of raising shitty kids.

        • sunzu
          -99 months ago

          Sounds like the town knows something we don’t or are they just punking this woman on a trust me bro.

          Funny how society will act like this here but then we have Cathlic pedos living in the community and nothing happens.

          People as a community have some weird sense of morals

            59 months ago

            I don’t think I would want anything to do with her either. It’s not fully rational or fair but it’s the way it is. Her position as his mom means she pretty much has to defend her son’s multiple murder and there are 8 billion people on earth, I don’t have to spend a minute with someone who would do that.

            Plus if I was going to hire her I would wonder how much crap this is going to cost me. It’s not a heavily populated area and the name is rare enough. At best she is going to be neutral at worst she is going to attract the kind of people I don’t want around or infuriate other people.

            I am a parent myself. If you don’t like my kids I don’t like you.

                -29 months ago

                Umm what does that even mean? How can anyone feel neutral to another human being? All I am picturing is you know someone exists but any amount of pain or pleasure they feel doesn’t impact you. Like if you could push a magic button to make them happy you wouldn’t bother since that would require effort and you are neutral.

                I don’t know any people who are wired this way.

                  9 months ago

                  Umm what does that even mean? How can anyone feel neutral to another human being?

                  I just meant indifferent really.

                  All I am picturing is you know someone exists but any amount of pain or pleasure they feel doesn’t impact you.

                  There are a lot of people that currently exist and are in pain but it has little to no impact on me even though providing help would require nothing more than some more time and manpower.

                  Like if you could push a magic button to make them happy you wouldn’t bother since that would require effort and you are neutral.

                  This, I think provides for an interesting thought-experiment. Do we know how long it takes to press a button? Is the button-press speed limited by the latency of the circuitry it’s connected to? Exactly how many people are currently in pain? It’s obviously lots but can we come up with a relatively specific number? With what frequency does the number of suffering people change?

                  Then there are also some questions with more relative ethical implications that might also be: How many hours a week should a person spend pressing this button? How many people should press this button? If all previously suffering people are getting their buttons pressed then how will we know when someone is happy and flourishing? Isn’t suffering an implied opposite of flourishing? What other implications of the anti-suffering button are there?

                  I don’t know the answer to these questions, but you have certainly given me lot’s to ponder.

                  [edit][post] On further research I guess this sounds kind of like Negative Ultilitarianism which appears to be a subset of Utilitarianism.

      • Doom
        169 months ago

        they’re trying to get libs who hate kyle to help

        89 months ago


        We know that we are not the only family struggling to rebuild after that fateful night

        And look at the struggles his sister is going through. Profound tone-deafness is a real wipepo problem, a syndrome second only to affluenza in terms of collateral damage and suffering.

        She needs help! Hit up your friends; especially the strong ones who like pizza and beer. Dig deep for those truck keys and clear the calendars for next weekend so you can help … move.

        • Cethin
          -29 months ago

          Yeah, and we shouldn’t pity them because they have an asshole son. Sure, it’d be the right thing for him to do if he were a good person, but him not taking financial responsibility for them doesn’t mean anyone else should be either. I’d much rather them help someone else.

            -19 months ago

            It’s his mom. What is wrong with you people? Me and my mom have a shit relationship but if I crippled her ability to work or she was going to be out on the street I would send her cash. Me and my wife send her parents money each month. It is a very small price to pay for giving me my partner.

            • Cethin
              39 months ago

              They’re asking for money from other people. Yes, he should give them money. He is profiting off of murder. He’s an asshole. Why should anyone else give them money though? I don’t pity them. The mom raised an asshole murderer. Maybe it’s not her fault, but she has to have some responsibility in it.

              09 months ago

              Tbf, maybe we shouldn’t vilify them because of the actions of their son/brother so bad that they can’t be employed. I don’t hire people but the only reason not to would be the negative publicity from hiring them from people like those in this thread, I doubt if you gave his mom a job she’ll show up and shoot someone every morning.