"You know, Mrs. Buckman, you need a license to buy a dog. You need a license to drive a car - hell, you even need a license to catch a fish. But they’ll let any butt-reaming asshole be a father. " - Keanu Reeves as Tod Higgins, Parenthood (1989).
Plus, now we’re not allowed to abort them even if we know we don’t have the mental, emotional, or financial capacity to take care of them, and it looks like they are trying to make contraceptives illegal again, so I have a feeling we’ll be seeing more and more stories like this.
Maybe we need to rethink economics in a way they don’t require an endless growth of the population like we’re a cancer to the earth. Maybe Bezos could pay a bit more than 1.1% in taxes, an extra 1% would free a cool couple of billion for retirement. And so could Musk, and same with the companies, a bit from Amazon, a bit from Microsoft, and the rest of S&P500…
I’m all for a bit of population decline. The system needs to crash to get rebalanced.
Worst thing is, even though population grows, the retirement age does aswell.
Having more people now just mean higher expectations from the generation after them. It is just a temporary fix thate current generation hopes to throw onto the next and hopefully die before it all gets fucked.
A positive feedback loop (and this is not meant in a positive way).
Think of how affordable housing would be. Cities would suck (look at how long Detroit has taken to recover from losing something like 2/3 of its population) but suburbs would thrive.
Wasn’t planning to respond to the negativity wave, but white supremacism? Huh?
I guess some Muricans are so oversensitive on the issue they see racism in everything. I come from a country that barely has any black/hispanic population at all (simply historically), and same with any sort of supremacism - we don’t have racial aspect as a cornerstone of our culture, and I can barely see any intersection here.
Do you mean I supposedly suggest for white people specifically to get more babies to ethnically cleanse the world or something? Because I never said or meant that, and couldn’t care less about people of which race or origin improve the reproduction rates.
It’s too easy to make a baby. It’s really a problem.
"You know, Mrs. Buckman, you need a license to buy a dog. You need a license to drive a car - hell, you even need a license to catch a fish. But they’ll let any butt-reaming asshole be a father. " - Keanu Reeves as Tod Higgins, Parenthood (1989).
beautifully put, Keanu
Plus, now we’re not allowed to abort them even if we know we don’t have the mental, emotional, or financial capacity to take care of them, and it looks like they are trying to make contraceptives illegal again, so I have a feeling we’ll be seeing more and more stories like this.
Yeah it hurts the future generations the most. More adults that need therapy, but don’t get it and hurt others.
Unfortunately, we need lots-a them
No, the fuck, we do not
Why exactly? There is enough people on the planet.
Emergency rations.
that sounds like a modest proposal
Modest? That sounds like an excellent proposal!
Because demographics.
If there won’t be enough children, there won’t be anyone to sustain the economy as we retire.
Not only will this make us work to death, but also the decreased productivity and natural death will generally tank the economy down very badly.
Maybe we need to rethink economics in a way they don’t require an endless growth of the population like we’re a cancer to the earth. Maybe Bezos could pay a bit more than 1.1% in taxes, an extra 1% would free a cool couple of billion for retirement. And so could Musk, and same with the companies, a bit from Amazon, a bit from Microsoft, and the rest of S&P500…
I’m all for a bit of population decline. The system needs to crash to get rebalanced.
“Everyone needs to keep breeding so my ponzi scheem style retirement savings will still work”
Plan to die at your job like the rest of us.
Worst thing is, even though population grows, the retirement age does aswell.
Having more people now just mean higher expectations from the generation after them. It is just a temporary fix thate current generation hopes to throw onto the next and hopefully die before it all gets fucked.
A positive feedback loop (and this is not meant in a positive way).
If only there were a way to like… Import millions of people who could prop up a declining population.
But… But… We don’t want those people…
[clutches pearls]
We can’t keep doing this to the planet. The system is broken. We need a smaller human population regardless of the effect on the economy.
Fuck. The. Economy.
Think of how affordable housing would be. Cities would suck (look at how long Detroit has taken to recover from losing something like 2/3 of its population) but suburbs would thrive.
Thinly veiled white supremacist bullshit. I wonder what demographic you’re referring to? Hmmmmm…
Wasn’t planning to respond to the negativity wave, but white supremacism? Huh?
I guess some Muricans are so oversensitive on the issue they see racism in everything. I come from a country that barely has any black/hispanic population at all (simply historically), and same with any sort of supremacism - we don’t have racial aspect as a cornerstone of our culture, and I can barely see any intersection here.
Do you mean I supposedly suggest for white people specifically to get more babies to ethnically cleanse the world or something? Because I never said or meant that, and couldn’t care less about people of which race or origin improve the reproduction rates.