Two sources told NBC News that the Secret Service flagged a building near the rally site as a security concern. Investigators will be scrutinizing how a gunman was allowed to scale it.

The rooftop where a gunman shot at former President Donald Trump during a campaign rally was identified by the Secret Service as a potential vulnerability in the days before the event, two sources familiar with the agency’s operations told NBC News.

The building, owned by a glass research company, is adjacent to the Butler Farm Show, an outdoor venue in Butler, Pennsylvania. The Secret Service was aware of the risks associated with it, the sources said.

“Someone should have been on the roof or securing the building so no one could get on the roof,” said one of the sources, a former senior Secret Service agent who was familiar with the planning.

    9 months ago

    A successful assassination would’ve been the worst.

    Do you really think if Hitler was assassinated anything changed? Maybe a leader with the same goals but without brain rot would’ve taken over, and not made critical blunders.

    If people wouldn’t support Putin, he would be long dead by his closest men.

    Republicans would have the same agenda but without the guy blurting it out whenever he can.

    The machinery is running and you have to stop the machine, not the messenger.

      109 months ago

      The RNC starts today. The Republicans would have to scramble to pick a candidate for president the weekend before they show off their candidate for president. It would have caused chaos for them.

      9 months ago

      Maybe a leader with the same goals but without brain rot would’ve taken over, and not made critical blunders.

      People always say this, but I think it’s a rather facile analysis.

      Fascism when fully instituted basically doesn’t work as a governing ideology. Many countries have tried it and many countries have found that out.

      Sure, there’s sometimes encampments; there’s sometimes secret police; there’s sometimes using the military on your own countrymen; there’s sometimes genocides; there’s sometimes surveillance; there’s sometimes lots of things…but you know what it always breeds? A government full of distrusting, incompetent, loyalist boobs that are slaves to one man’s dumb ass ideas.

      There is no competent version of fascism because one man alone cannot “fix it”. Even a singular genius cannot rule a modern country based upon just his own ideas, he has to have a group of competent people surrounding him, triaging issues, and analyzing different things…those type of people don’t tend to want to work for the type of backbiting, dark triad narcissists that nearly always sit at the center of fascist government.

      Fascism leads to dark, terrible things, but it’s basically always, at its heart, a kakistocracy.

        8 months ago

        gestures broadly at recent SCOTUS decision stripping menial day to day bullshit from experts at their respective agencies to Trump shill judges

        9 months ago

        History would disagree with you. How many dictatorships ended with the death of the dictator?

        The dictators usually get killed after they have been thrown over.

        How many assissinations have there been that support your claim?

          9 months ago

          Not every dictatorship is fascist.

          EDIT: Besides you were originally making the argument that there could be a “more competent” Trump which is what my reply was talking about. Fascist governments are, in my opinion, inherently incompetent. Even the whole “Mussolini made the trains run on time” crap was just rhetoric and propaganda.

          There are other forms of government by effectively one “chosen” person (i.e. dictatorships), and I don’t think they necessarily have to be fully staffed up with incompetents in the same way fascist regimes naturally have to be.

    • Well the US is headed for civil war one way or another, unless they get rid of their current supreme court.

      Trump is very much an iconic, celebrity like figure. If you cut off his head, im not sure the republican hydra can magically regrow another head that does what he does.

        39 months ago

        Imagine one of his sycophants taking control, asserting his authoritarianism in His name. Imaging Cheetoh-head up on the the cross, where now he can be your idol regardless whether even he would be that extreme