Windows 11 and Windows 10 were recently updated with “Windows Backup”, which has now become a system app. While the feature initially appeared as “optional” or something that could be easily dismissed, Microsoft is slowly getting aggressive with its new OneDrive backup campaign on Windows 11.

Windows 11’s “Windows Backup” uses OneDrive to back up many of the things that are important to you. This may include your credentials, settings, pictures, documents, videos, files, themes, or even audio settings. Microsoft wants the Windows Backup app to become the ultimate backup tool, but there’s a catch.

Windows Backup does not support offline backups and requires a OneDrive plan. By default, OneDrive offers 5GB of free storage, which is why some users do not want to backup their PC. But is that going to stop Microsoft from pestering users? Probably not. In a new server-side update, Windows 11 has started nagging users to try the Backup tool.

  • Phoenixz
    108 months ago

    Microsoft and nagging? Naaahh, they would never! They would never “hey hello, please please send us feedback!” 5x per day while I’m trying to get work done on that awful offce365. They would never stuff popups all over their sites to continuously nag me about new updates and features and bullshit, they. Would. Never.

    • Log in | Sign up
      28 months ago

      I’ve got bad news for you. I found out that if you fill in the survey it still comes back on every click.