• teft
    718 months ago

    They should spray the furniture down in case he had his way with anything. Also check for bugs because I wouldn’t put it past those jackasses to try and spy on the VP.

    • @catbum@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      When you said “check for [spy] bugs,” I first thought you meant literal insecty bugs, and that made plenty of rational sense to me, because who wouldn’t come back with even more potent insecticide to douse those couches, maybe some Super-Potent Fabric-Penetrable Bug Annihilator, one formulated for Previously Penetrated Couches, in order to kill the very particular kinds of creepy crawly bugs that JD seems like he carries around on his creepy crawly body.

      You know, I’ve been thinking … There’s gotta be another layer of complexity in all that projection vectored through his hating on “childless cat ladies” nonsense, other than the obvious “I’m scared of happily independent women” business.

      Fleas. I’m thinking he has fleas. JD Vance has fleas. You know, because something, something, cats.

      Bed bugs would also make sense. Him fucking furniture and all. Bed bugs are, after all, the herpes of the craft couch-coitus world.