This guy breaks down just how bad the layout of the new PHB is. The cross referencing is non-existent and the subsections seem to go in the order someone thought of them. I’m sadly unsurprised that they’ve not improved on any of these problems which existed in the original 5e PHB.

  • nocturne
    78 months ago

    I own a small LGS and I have been trying since I opened almost 6 years ago to introduce more games to people that are not D&D. But it sells 5:1 over all the other RPGs I stock.

      38 months ago

      My professional input, knowing nothing of your shop or location, and all respect intended: hosting DMing “lessons” using other systems like PbtA, SwoN, Starforged, Quest, Kids on Brooms/Bikes, etc. to hone narrative improv skills can often set a foundation of non-D&D preferences — especially when the aforementioned are super easy to get started, thus promoting a higher frequency of game sessions for your fledgling Storytellers/GMs. Hell, offering a free/discounted game room rental to the groups these GMs put together could be a great draw (& good optics) 🤓

    • Wildsea has been so fun and since its flavor is different than your standard DnD setting, but it still has a fantasy setting, I think it has pretty wide appeal. The style of game is different, and definitely uses different GM skills, but it’s a great option imho. It can be run as a drop in/drop out pretty easily which is a plus for some groups. It will definitely not get the same reach as DnD, but the art is so inspiring it might sway some people if you’re able to display it somewhere.

          8 months ago

          Yea, the art is great and along with the text really helps build the world. I have rarely seen an rpgs rules support the setting so well.

          DIE was great. I haven’t read it, but I have played it. I feel hesitant recommending it because the experience seems heavily variable depending on GM, but it was definitely one of my personal favorites.

          ETA: pg 10-11 of the wildsea book has a layer breakdown of the sea and it’s my favorite part of the whole book. Maybe I’m just a sucker for any science textbook adjacent art, but it does such a great job of immersing you (imho). I think they should make posters of it and have it a bit more prominent in their marketing, but it’s possible I’m off base. I feel like you can use interesting races in lots of different settings, but the sea is so integral to the game, it should be one of the big draws for players.

      • nocturne
        28 months ago

        The Core book is out of stock at my distributor, but since they have 4 new titles for preorder I am hopeful the core book comes back into stock soon.