It blows my mind that anyone can be that wrong on all topics.
It’s like the difference between choosing random answers on a multiple choice test versus knowing the right answers and actively avoiding them to get the worst result. It feels like they’re trying to punish the US for something.
This list just reads as “the billionaire list of punishments for the poor that think they’re people” I say we craft the inverse list where literally everything the billionaires enjoy is legislated away, kind of like they want to legislate away our way of life we should legislate away their way of life or I guess legislative way their ability to have billions of dollars.
I think it’s mostly the association/“logic” being literally incomprehensible to someone with even the slightest capacity for reason. Classifying an entire group of people as “pornographic” is just so insanely nonsensical, it’s difficult to look at and think of it as anything other than some insane word salad.
It means they will be persecuted in various creative ways. More than they are already, I mean. Could be anything from forbidding them from certain places and occupations to rounding them up and putting them in death camps. They’re intentionally vague about how far they plan to go.
The second. DeSantis already is playtesting this in FL by classifying, basically, being LGBT+ in public as “sexual” and making a law where sex offenders against children have the death penalty on the table. Since you’re in public, there’s a good chance CHILDREN could see you, so…well, you can fill in the rest.
It does make sense though, we’ve seen anti-trans, gay, abortion etc. conservatives be found out to take part in that very thing they’re publicly against so many times, and it’ll keep happening. Them wanting to classify trans as pornographic means they see it as that and they like it and hate themselves and transpeople for it.
I always laugh when they say “ban contraceptives” because I guarantee that the men in congress voting for it have vasectomies. Are they going to reverse them?
No, those with the means will still continue to get them, whether that’s knowing a doctor who will perform it illegally, or by traveling somewhere it’s legal. Same as abortion.
ban IVF? why would they ban a safe and correct use of technology to help couples conceive what the actual fuck, I don’t think there is a single nation on earth that does this, can you get IVF in the middle east? this is just mind-blowingly neardenthal
You have the Christofacist nutjobs who want this, the power hungry fucks who want to control others, and the cowards lacking any ethics that don’t want to offend the Christofacist nutjobs.
The christofacists wants to punish people who are not like them? That’s not in accordance with the teachings of Jesus, is it? I find mild amusement in the fact that according to the beliefs of these people, they themselves are probably going to hell…
That’s true of every fascist regime using religion as an excuse. The Taliban isn’t following the teachings of Islam either, just the parts that give them control.
Do you know much about the bible? The Republicans are basically the Pharisees from Jesus’ time.
Revelation also predicted that there’d be evil shitheads who claim to be Christian but actually follow the Anti-Christ, but that was an easy prediction, there’s always evil shitheads who claim to be good, in any time and religion
The one time Jesus went HAM, chasing religious leaders around their temple with a whip, and whose temple was it? Zeus? Bacchus? Any of those graven-image, many-gods cults? No - he went after his own Father’s priests for being money-grubbing hypocrites.
I’m guessing that story doesn’t come up often at CPAC or prayer breakfasts.
Not familiar enough to know details like that. Is “Pharisees as obsessed with man-made rules (especially concerning purity) whereas Jesus is more concerned with God’s love; the Pharisees scorn sinners whereas Jesus seeks them out” an ok eli5 and tl;dr summary?
Yeah, I guess man kind is good at evil and shithead, unfortunately.
A key thing with the Pharisees was that they were obsessed with the appearance of being pious, rather than actually being so. Much like many modern Christians who are obsessed with appearing faithful and just, but aren’t so concerned with actually following Jesus’ teachings
You know what I’m always surprised is missing everytime I see this list? Repealing the 14th amendment. They are so wrong on all of it but somehow they don’t go for that one.
But that’s just it.
To the megalomaniacal, psychotic, fascist person id assume the dream of having you own personal household slaves, or factory slaves that you can ln explort and abuse you heartless content would be the creme de la creme of goals.
As an outsider I’m fine with all of this for the US, as long as the US is completely demilitarized and gets rid of every last one if their nukes. Can’t have hyper-religious christian Nazis start nuclear crusades in the name of the only God that matters to them - The Dollar.
From the v1 Project 2025 website:
It blows my mind that anyone can be that wrong on all topics.
It’s like the difference between choosing random answers on a multiple choice test versus knowing the right answers and actively avoiding them to get the worst result. It feels like they’re trying to punish the US for something.
Right? Like I’ve thought about how political decisions would be harder if the Republicans weren’t reliably wrong on everything.
Like, if they were pro-gay-rights but anti-environment, that would be more of a thinker. But they’re just wrong on everything.
Fascism, baby.
You’re telling me all that is unpopular??! The “Don’t Tread on Me” folks are falling over themselves to have this?
Sounds really non-tready, lol
This list just reads as “the billionaire list of punishments for the poor that think they’re people” I say we craft the inverse list where literally everything the billionaires enjoy is legislated away, kind of like they want to legislate away our way of life we should legislate away their way of life or I guess legislative way their ability to have billions of dollars.
Ban private jets
Ban megayachts
lol who downvoted this
The temporarily embarrassed billionaires
What’s your question? Have you never seen conservatives scapegoat a minority group before?
I found that confusing too, but I guess it pairs well with
Yep. They want to make it illegal for trans people to exist and don’t seem to understand why that would be a problem.
I think it’s mostly the association/“logic” being literally incomprehensible to someone with even the slightest capacity for reason. Classifying an entire group of people as “pornographic” is just so insanely nonsensical, it’s difficult to look at and think of it as anything other than some insane word salad.
What does being classified as a pornographic person entail
It means they will be persecuted in various creative ways. More than they are already, I mean. Could be anything from forbidding them from certain places and occupations to rounding them up and putting them in death camps. They’re intentionally vague about how far they plan to go.
The second. DeSantis already is playtesting this in FL by classifying, basically, being LGBT+ in public as “sexual” and making a law where sex offenders against children have the death penalty on the table. Since you’re in public, there’s a good chance CHILDREN could see you, so…well, you can fill in the rest.
Doesn’t have to make sense. Just has to fit a narrative.
It does make sense though, we’ve seen anti-trans, gay, abortion etc. conservatives be found out to take part in that very thing they’re publicly against so many times, and it’ll keep happening. Them wanting to classify trans as pornographic means they see it as that and they like it and hate themselves and transpeople for it.
I always laugh when they say “ban contraceptives” because I guarantee that the men in congress voting for it have vasectomies. Are they going to reverse them?
No, those with the means will still continue to get them, whether that’s knowing a doctor who will perform it illegally, or by traveling somewhere it’s legal. Same as abortion.
ban IVF? why would they ban a safe and correct use of technology to help couples conceive what the actual fuck, I don’t think there is a single nation on earth that does this, can you get IVF in the middle east? this is just mind-blowingly neardenthal
Generally IVF involves fertilizing many eggs and then picking the best performing. Technically this is abortion.
Well no, technically it isn’t. But fundies think it is
As most have noted, the right has no objective, they are just against whatever the left is for.
They’re pretty consistent about cutting taxes for billionaires.
100% agree
Do the GOP leadership think this is improvement? Do they push this precisely because it’s terrible - for some reason. I don’t understand the madness.
You have the Christofacist nutjobs who want this, the power hungry fucks who want to control others, and the cowards lacking any ethics that don’t want to offend the Christofacist nutjobs.
The christofacists wants to punish people who are not like them? That’s not in accordance with the teachings of Jesus, is it? I find mild amusement in the fact that according to the beliefs of these people, they themselves are probably going to hell…
That’s true of every fascist regime using religion as an excuse. The Taliban isn’t following the teachings of Islam either, just the parts that give them control.
Do you know much about the bible? The Republicans are basically the Pharisees from Jesus’ time.
Revelation also predicted that there’d be evil shitheads who claim to be Christian but actually follow the Anti-Christ, but that was an easy prediction, there’s always evil shitheads who claim to be good, in any time and religion
The one time Jesus went HAM, chasing religious leaders around their temple with a whip, and whose temple was it? Zeus? Bacchus? Any of those graven-image, many-gods cults? No - he went after his own Father’s priests for being money-grubbing hypocrites.
I’m guessing that story doesn’t come up often at CPAC or prayer breakfasts.
Not familiar enough to know details like that. Is “Pharisees as obsessed with man-made rules (especially concerning purity) whereas Jesus is more concerned with God’s love; the Pharisees scorn sinners whereas Jesus seeks them out” an ok eli5 and tl;dr summary?
Yeah, I guess man kind is good at evil and shithead, unfortunately.
A key thing with the Pharisees was that they were obsessed with the appearance of being pious, rather than actually being so. Much like many modern Christians who are obsessed with appearing faithful and just, but aren’t so concerned with actually following Jesus’ teachings
It’s about maximum profit and control.
You know what I’m always surprised is missing everytime I see this list? Repealing the 14th amendment. They are so wrong on all of it but somehow they don’t go for that one.
They do everything but repeal it
But that’s just it. To the megalomaniacal, psychotic, fascist person id assume the dream of having you own personal household slaves, or factory slaves that you can ln explort and abuse you heartless content would be the creme de la creme of goals.
As an outsider I’m fine with all of this for the US, as long as the US is completely demilitarized and gets rid of every last one if their nukes. Can’t have hyper-religious christian Nazis start nuclear crusades in the name of the only God that matters to them - The Dollar.
It’s fun to disassociate and dream up fantasy scenarios.
I know, it’s as likely as me shiting myself a pair of angel wings.